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In Just A Little While Longer And The Justice Of Holiness Will Be Unveiled, For In The Last Day Awakens The Judgements, For The Wicked Will Themselves Be Awoken To The Wickedness They Had Pursued In Their Short While Upon The Earth; While the Righteous Themselves Will Be Awoken In Glory Due to the Holiness of Their Works. For The Rising Beyond The Last Day Will Itself Prove To Be The Justice of Holiness; For Our Works And The Acts of Which We Pursued Will Serve As Witness For Us; And The Holy And Heavenly Height Will Itself Serve As Judges For The Many; They Themselves Will Pass Judgement Upon The Ones Roused From the Grave. For Truth Is Within The Works Achieved; Yet The Wicked Seek To Defraud, The Holy Will Themselves Be Awoken In The Glory of Their Righteousness As Dignity Within Integrity, Yet Those Robbing The Glory Of the Effect of the Holy Will Themselves Be Put to Shame. From The Righteous Works Blossoms A Seed of A Holy Inheritance Which Is Then Planted Within The Places In Which They Themselves Do Deserve. While The Wicked Works Are As A Thorny Hedge and As A Weed of Which Causes Harm To That Which Surrounds It Which Is Rejected From The Places of Holiness And Will Itself Dwell In The Lower Places of Inheritance. For A Little While And The Truth of Our Works Will Be Illuminated Among The Places of Clarity, Shame Will Be Brought Upon the Wicked, While Glory Will Be Given To The Righteous.

Search For the True God While You Still Have The Time to Repent, Seek The Will And Love of the Most High God; For The True God Itself Will Not Be Fooled By The Trickery Of The Wicked, And The True God Will Itself Judge Between One and Another And The Scales of Justice Will the True God Unveil; For The Acts of Robbery And The Acts of Treachery Will Find Pain In Their Way, And The Almighty Will Itself Award Glory; Not To The One Defrauding But Rather Will Strip The Ones Defrauding Of All Dignity And Will Itself Award The Ones of True Works The Exaltations of Which The True God Desires To Give. Those Robbing The Works of the Holy Will Themselves Be Utterly Rejected, They Will Find No Residing Place Among the Holy, And Those Defrauding The Glory of the Righteous Will Themselves Remain It Utter Shame For Their Robbery. Those Stealing the Words of the Righteous Are As A Weed Choking Out The Plants of A Garden Of Which Will Be Uprooted And Utterly Discarded Without Finding Place And As A Rejected Seed To Be Hurled Away and Not Planted In the Garden of God. For The True God Is Observing In Clarity, And The Wickedness of The Corrupt He Is Judging; The Treasures of Holiness Will Be Given The Righteous, Yet The Judgements Upon the Wicked Spread Out In Front of Them.

Disgrace The Treacherous While You Have Time to Repent And Turn The Things Defrauded From The Holy Into Their Everlasting Disgrace; No More Empower The Ones Seeking For the Glory of Flesh, Nor Give The Throne of God To Any; For The True God; Our Allah, Supreme Yah'weh, Jehovah of armies in Shiloh Itself Has Become Ruler, And The Ruler-Ship of God Is Not Something That Can Be Over-Thrown, For the Ones Pursuing The Authority of God In Life Will Themselves Be Rejected; And No Place Among The Holy and Heavenly Heights Will They Have. For The True God Is The Most High God; Even Over All Creation; And To That One Must We Search Out, And To That One Must We Attribute Even All The Glory of Expansive Creations; For Our Allah, Supreme Yah'weh, Jehovah of armies in Shiloh Has Attained Even The Entirety of It. For As A Voluntary Offering Have I Myself Prepared These Works of Which My God Had Sent Me To Acheive, And The Glory of My Works Will Themselves Be Completely Attributed To The True God; Our Allah, Supreme Yah'weh, Jehovah of armies in Shiloh, Yet Let The Shame of My Works Become My Own And Let Them Not Be Attributed to The Almighty, And As A Gift Offering Given Do I Myself Clarify; "I Myself Was Sent By My God, And I Myself Will Indeed Serve, And I Myself Will Pass Even All The Desired Features of The Entirety of My Works To The True God; Even The Most High God: Our Allah, Supreme Yah'weh, Jehovah of armies in Shiloh, For It Is That One That I Haved Served, Do Serve, And Will Serve; Hence Give That One Even All My Glory;  And Even All My Exalted Works Do Place Upon Our Most High God; Even The Almighty. For The True God Does Indeed Know My Works, The Almighty Is Aware of Even All of My Activity, And Let No One Else Attempt To Ursurp That In Which ONLY Belongs To OUR Almighty God; Our Allah, Supreme Yah'weh, Jehovah of armies in Shiloh."

In Truth I Myself Have Prepared The Activities of Which I Was Sent, Yet It Is The Authority of the Almighty To Use That Which It Desires; And It Is In The Hand of the Most High God Itself of Which Will Judge Even Its Expanses Even In Blossoming Potentials. Search Not For Me To Become As An Inheritor of My Creative Works, And Pray Not To Me For Admittance Into The Places of Holy Residing Of Which The Holy Ones of God Reside, Rather; Search for the Almighty And Most High God; For The True God Has Even All of Which I Myself Have Created And The True God Knows The Truth of Which I Myself Created Within; Yet I Myself Express That Rather Than Perceiving Me As The One Creating Them But Rather; Through Me Did The True God Unveil Even That Which The Almighty and True God Has Created. Let The Glory of Gods Works Not Shine From But Rather Through the Holy Ones of the Most High God, For That Is The Manner In Which The True God Works. Strengthen The Fortifications of the True God; Empower The Righteousness of Holiness to Attain the Glory of Which The Holy Ones of the Most High Deserve; For Our God Itself Has Approved Them. 

Reside Within the Love of the True God While Even Residing In These Lowly Places of Creation; Take Root In The Residing Places of the Islands of Earth To Find Footing In Strength In Order To Blossom And Grow From It. For We Ourselves Are As A People Congregated To Our God; And The True God Has Even Spread The Expanses; Even In Expansiveness, And The Blossoming Potentials of Which Take Grip Will Become Even When Accomplished in Truth As A Worthy Seed. For The Worthy Seed Will Itself Be Found As Bringing Forth Good Works In Holiness, Righteousness and Truth And Will Themselves Become Planted Within The Places of Holy Inheritances To Grow Together In Unity For the Good of the Pastures of Which They Have Been Planted. Dwell In Unity With The True God; Unify Within Humble Hearts And Know That The Almighty And True God Has The Potential Authority To Accomplish Even All Expansive Things; Yet From The Good Things Will Our God Itself Take Delight, While Those Pursuing Evil Things Will Themselves Be Left In Their Wickedness. Refine Your Fruitage And Reside In Your Pastures While Drawing Close To Your God; Prove The Good Within You And Reject The Wickedness Within You. 

The True God Itself Has Spoken: "Search For Me And You Yourselves Will Find Me, Awaken Morning By Morning In The Delight Of the Most High, Seek Ways To Prove The Worth of Your Way, Empower The Righteous And Bring To Me Your Troubles; For I Myself Will Satisfy the Hearts of Those Truly Knowing Their God, And Those Searching Me Out Will Not Find Disgrace, For I Myself Am Waiting For You."  May The True God Itself Remain In The Heights Beyond That Which Is Known, And Even Let The Most High God Descend From Its Place Only When It Desires; And Let None Take The Glory of Its Place; For Even In The Highest Height of Holy Residing Realms of Existence Would The True God Descend In Order To Rebuke The One Claiming Itself The Almighty God; For The True God Would Know; The True God Is Residing In A Higher Place Than Even All Can Take Knowledge, And If Two Reside In the Highest Height; The Unholy One Would Itself Call Itself the Most High God; While The Holy One Would Know That The True God Does Itself Dwell Higher. Humble Yourselves Even In All Expansive Creations And Take Note Of The Desires of the Almighty and Most High God; For Even From The Most Distant Reaches Of Omni-Expansive Creations of Relative Existence; Even Within The Heights of The Realms of the Most High God's Highest Holy Ones; Take Note At That Which Has Been Prepared And Congregated; Assist In The Will of Our God And Master So That We May Inherit In The Glory of That Which Our God Has Unveiled. For Our God Is Knowing Truth, And The True God Has Itself Taken Note; And Yet Although The Creation Is Founded And It Itself IS;  Our God Desires The Holy Ones of Which Are Among The Holy Ones of the Supreme One To Then Take The Creations of Which The True God Itself Has Formed And Asks That The Holy Ones Begin To Broaden The Creation and Decorate The Creations Within Their Works In Co-Creations And Designed Forms of Evolutions; Yet Not Within The Places of Exile Nor The Places of Deep Abyss; For The True Holy Ones Are Aware Of The Sleep of Spirit, And Even The Dreams of Life.  

Let Those Ascending Know That There Are Many Heights of Inheritance; And Let The Heights Know That Their Places Are Ascending In Omni-Expansive Co-Creations, Let The Holy Know Their Treasures of The Works of Their Activity Will Not Be Forsaken, Nor Will It Be Forgotten. Let The Righteous Know That Their Residing Is Given Good-Will, Let The Good-will Upon The Righteous Become Like A Peaceful River Of Ease Given By God. Let The Ones Defrauded Know; That The Ones of Whom Robbed The Holy One Defrauded Will Benefit Not From Their Spiritual Blessings Nor Creations. Rouse The Holy Ones Even From Height To New Potential Height; Unto Even The Infinite Desired Heights of Which They May Ascend To Reach. Give To The Poor One of Good and Holy Works And Blossom Within The Effect Of That Holy One; Even As Finding Place As a Seed Planted Within Its Expansive Works. Fear Not The Mortal Conditions of Life, And Cry Not For The Finale of the Days of Your Life; For As A Passing Dream Is The Wake Beyond The Days of Life, And From Stride to Stride; Even New Inheritances Brought Out From The Roots of Life To Grow In A New Blossoming Potential.

Who Will Really Help In The Fields of Which The Almighty Does Have as A Possession, Who Will Really Take Hold of the Creations of The Almighty To Humble Their Entire Effect as Co-Creation. Who Will Attribute The Works of Their Glory To The Heights of The Most High; For the Ones Doing Such Things Will Have Their Works Accomplished By The Good-Will of the Almighty. When Will The Old Guard Take Position Over The New Seeds of the Flocks And When Is Their Rising To Take Hold of A Holy Possession. For Those of Ancient Times of Whom Remained Integral to Their God From The Roots of Their Existence Will Themselves Due To Their Holiness Rise In High Position Over The New Guard, They Themselves Will Sheppard The New Guard As Over-seers of The Blossoming Expansive Creations, The Ones of The High and Heavenly Places of Whom Fell In Chaos Due To Their Consequences to Circumstance Are Themselves Awarded Places of Redemption Within This New Guard, For The Ones Repurchased Have Become Many. The True God Itself Has Spoken: "Rise Oh My Holy Ones Of Ancient Times; Search For The Flocks of Your Pasture And Dominate The Holy and Heavenly Residing Places Of Which I Myself Have Given You, For You Yourselves Will Take Care Of Directing Them In Their Ways of Holy and Heavenly Inheritances. Yet In Submission To Holiness And In Way of Raising As If Children of the Families of God In Order To Bring Them From Height To Height, And In Order To Through Experience Direct The Flows of Their Ways."  

Who Will Rouse The Judges And Who Will Really Scribe The Law? Who Will Strengthen The Holy And Shun the Wicked? Who Will Exalt The Humble, And Humiliate The Proud? Who Will Really Disgrace The Robber And Honour The Ones Robbed? Who Will Really Bless True Works, And Shatter The Works Defrauded? Who Will Assist The Lowly And Honour the Holy? Who Will Act In Submission To The Most High And Who Will Be As The Helper of the Most High God? When Will The Peoples Take Note Of the Blessings of the Most High And When Is Their Time of Taking Root Within Good-Will? Who Will Act For Justice And Who Really Will Express Judgement? The True God Itself Has Spoken: "I Myself Have Arisen To My Possession, And My Loyal Holy Ones Will Awaken To Take Hold of the Inheritance, We Ourselves Will Take Ruler-ship And Those of The New Flocks Will Become to Us A Holy Possession. Enter In And Do Not Waste The Works of the Holy, Empower The Ways of Righteousness And Let Not the Works of Holiness Be Left Undone."  Hear Even Me Myself My God; For I Myself Am The Seven Horned Lamb; Even The Once Lion of the Tribe of Judah the Root of David, The Son of Man of the head of Days; As Of the Tribe of Judah; The Ruling Sceptre Was To Remain; Yet Only Until Shiloh Takes The Sceptre; Let it Be Even Given To You; Our Allah, Supreme Yah'weh, Even as Jehovah of armies IN Shiloh, For To You Have I Now Passed Even Complete Ruler-Ship Along With Your Holy Ones Even Over The Entirety of My Omni-Expansive Works, And From Their Origin They Themselves Will Find Even Me; A Mere Helper of the Most High God And Yet They As The Holy Ones Have Taken Their Portion Also As Inheritors of A Grand Portion Over The Pastures of Holiness, And They Themselves Will Take Care of The Going In And Leaving From;  the Ascending Into And Descending From The Portions Of the Realms of Holy Inheritance And They Themselves Will Attain Abundance Of The Blessings of The Almighty and Most High God; And Even In All The Layers of the Places of Inheritance Will they Be Tested And Due To Their Works They Themselves Will Find Judgement.

Our Soveriegn Lord; Oh Allah, Supreme Yah'weh, Jehovah of armies in Shiloh; Take Now Even The Entire Portion; As A Mere Voluntary Offering, As A Freely Given Gift Because of My Love For You, Even Take All Of That Which It Was, Is, and Even Will Be, As That Which Is Blossoming In Truth; For I Myself Have Loved You, And Do Love You Oh My God; And Even All Of My Effect I Myself Give Over To You; For To You Do Belong Even All Things; And To You I Myself Have Spent Me Life Attaining A Relationship, And To Your Will Have I Myself Even Learned To Love. Take Oh My God; And Rouse Your Holy Ones Over It, Dominate, Decorate, And Pasture It; For It Itself Is Yours My God. My People Are No Longer My People; For They Themselves Do Belong to You, And As A Lowly One I Myself Do Bow Low, Even To Bow To Even All My Omni-Expansive Creations To Then Congregate It And As Handing The Entirety To You Oh Our God; Our Allah, Supreme Yah'weh, Jehovah of armies in Shiloh I Then As You To Choose A Great Many To Become Lifted Out And Brought Layer By Layer Even Closer To You; For You Have Found Even The Highest Place Over The Congregated Creations of Which I Have Bowed, And To You and Your Holy Ones I Myself Do Give It Freely. 
Let It Be Known, All of Which I Have Caused To Become Is By The Will of the Almighty and True God; Our Allah, Supreme Yah'weh, Jehovah of armies in Shiloh; For That In Truth Wasd the One Directing My Steps, And It Itself Is the Reason For All of My Activities, And To That One Should You Yourselves Search Out; For Our God Will Itself Let Itself Be Known. Worship Not  Me, Nor Give My Glory To Any Besides Our Allah, Supreme Yah'weh, Jehovah of armies in Shiloh, For That Is The One of Whom You Yourself Must Search Out If Ever Wanting to Get To Know The Most High God. I Tell You In Truth; The Works of Which I Have Done Have Been In Complete Submission To The Almighty and Most High God; Our Allah, Supreme Yah'weh, Jehovah of armies in Shiloh, And It Itself Directed Me; And My Works Are Merely Unveiling The Creations of Which All Belong To Our God. Why Should You Yourself Worship That Which Is Not God? Hence Do Not Worship Me, For Loyalty To Our God Is That Which I Ask, And The Asking For the Peoples to Get to Know their God. Return To The Most High God; And Forsake Not The Holy, Strengthen Holiness And Place All Things In the Power of God; For in That Way Are Works Given Approval, And Only By The Will of The Most High God Was Anything Formed; And Even All Creation In Its Blossoming Potentials Given Rooting Due To The Most High God.

For A New Song Will Itself Be Sung, And The Repentant Will Find Root In the Places Of Redemption, And The Will of The Holy Will Itself Be Honoured. The Ones Seeking Their God Will Indeed Find Truth And The Spirit of Holiness Will Then Itself Direct Them; For The Holy Ones Have Aroused Their Voices In Great Expressions of Gladness For The Creation Is, And It Itself Was, And It Itself Will Be, And From Blossoming Potentials Will New Growth Itself Be Found, The Blessing of the Most Holy Will Reside Upon Righteousness And Good-will Will Itself Shine Upon The Ones Pursuing Holiness. The Ones Pasturing For the Good of The Many Will Themselves Find Abundant Blessing, And The Ones Expanding Their Works In Truth Will Themselves Find The Place In The Meeting of Residence. The Holy Have Taken Root In The Seeds of the Kingdom And Their Planting Will Become A Truth; And The Ones Inheriting Within The Truth Will Indeed Find Pleasures and Satisfactions of All Expansive Potentials. For The True God Itself Has Found The Residing Place; And It Itself Has Appointed Even Its Dignitaries Over The Expansive Creations Blossoming From Within. Holy Ones Of Times Ancient Have Been Given Great Portion Over The Works Of Expansive Creation; And The Creations Found Are Formed In Truth. Dwell In Security You of Whom Honour Holiness, Be Given Good-will Oh You of Whom Love Their God, And Become Blessed Oh You of Whom Pursue The Almighty and Most High God.


Rise In Glory Oh Our God, Let Your Fulfilled Satisfactions Be Empowered By The Flocks of Your Inheritance; Let Desire Itself Reach Beyond Desired Pleasures To Blossom In An Infinite Desired Potential of Satisfactions Of Which Will Themselves Take Place In Nearly Infinite Potentials of Given Over-Abundant Pleasures In Which Endow Complete Fulfillment Of That Which Is Desired; Even Reaching Beyond Mere Complete Fulfillment. Cause The Flocks To Become An Accent of Complimentary Activity In Which Orchestrates To Your Will, Let Your Pillars Themselves Hold The Everlasting Kingdoms In Place That You May Rest And Awaken Within The Sturdy Kingdoms. Bring Forth And Give Portion To Those of Whom Will Compliment Your Will With The Everlasting Effect As If Pillars of The Ever-Expansive Creations Of Which Will Have Reached Beyond The Truly Designed Evolutionary Progressions As Well As The Blossoming Features of Co-Creation In Which Will Become To You An Inheritance of Your Will. Place Pillars Themsevles As A Memorial And Forget Not The Things of Which You Yourself Desire to Remember; Cause Their Sturdy Position To Then Reach As If Orchestrates Of Which Will Themselves Compliment Your Will, Desires, And Effect With Their Glory Shining Upon You; Let They Themselves Orchestrate Symphonies of Everlasting Glory That Itself Will Bring To You The Satisfactions of The Desires of Your Will, And Even The Eternally Expansive Potentials of Pleasures, Cause The Effect of Which Even All The Orchestrates Of Those of Whom Were With You, Are With You and Will Be With You  To Decorate You In Way of Everlasting Glory, Even Of The Ever-Expansive Designs of Which Will Cause You To Become Continually Exalted, And Let The Memorial Of Your Desired Reached Effect of Infinite Desired Potential Become Fulfilled When It Reaches its Finale; And Let The Songs Previous To Become Rooted In Record, And Let The Once Previous Songs Sing Even Every Desired Potential of New Song; From Infinite Desired Potentials Even Unto The Following Infinite Desired Potential.

Install Your Pillars; And Let The Residing Places Of Times Ancient Become Lifted Up Once Again And Let They Themselves Remain In Memorial of Expansive Creation; Both The Earthly Realms As Well as The Holy and Heavenly Realms That If Ever Desired To Once More Return To It We Ourselves May Once Again Enter Into The Creations of Previous Eternity's; As Well As Due to the Pillars; Even Unto Future Eternitys Will Themselves Be Kept Within Chosen Memorial. Bring Up Even Those Worthy To Orchestrate The Bodies of Your Creations To Compliment Your Will, Give Them The Authority To Exalt Your Glory in A Submissive Blessing Upon You Oh Our God. Award Those of Whom Choose To Love You To Compliment You; As Either Merely Praying To You And Drawing Close to You To Even Reaching Potentials To Orchestrate In Submission Blessings Of Even Every Sort Upon Your Rising, And Even Unto The Finale Reaching Point As Given Desired Rest. Bring Up Those of Times Ancient; Bring Those of Whom Remained Loyal And Integral In Holiness To Become When They Have Rested; Even Pillars of The New Residing Places Of Expansive Creative Works, And Let Them Orchestrate The Lower Residing Places With Their Own Pillars; And Let Even All of Them Unify In Bringing Forth New Heights Of Creative Ability And Let The Heights of Expansive Works Unify From The High, To The Mid, To the Low In Orchestrating Glory And Submissive Blessings of All Sort To Our Most High God; Our Allah, Supreme Yah'weh, Jehovah of armies in Shiloh.

Take Even All Of My Effect Oh Our God; And Let Even The Peoples of Which Will Themselves Become Your Flocks To Become A Decoration to You, Let Then Not Become A Burden; But Let Them Glorify You; And Dignify Your Holy Ones; Let Them Even Become A Body of Which Fulfills Your Every Desire As Bringing You The Satisfactions of Your Concealed Places. Bring Forth The Entirety Of That Which I Myself Have Brought Back To You; For To You Even All of It Belongs And By My Desired Will; Let Even The Ancient Pillar Orchestrates Prepare Even The New And Blossoming Potentials of Eternal Pillar Orchestrates; And Let Them Never Hold Back From Bringing You Blessings Even As In Submission Upon You Oh Our God. Let Your High Place Retain The Shade of Which it Desires; And Let Your Spirit Never Again Feel Isolated, For The Rise of Your Holy Ones; Have Been and Now Are As Well as Will Be; And The Eternal Pillars of Creation Will Themselves Retain Eternal Infinite Memorial of Existence Past As Well as Present Even Reaching Unto The Infinite Desired Potentials. Awaken The Flocks of Which Have Been Passed Over To You Oh Our God; And Let Me Not Eclipse Your Holy Residing Places, For I Am Merely Your Helper, Even As A Humble Servant Of Which Acts Within The Desire of Your Will; And Due To My Knowing You I Myself Have Loved You; And In Loving-Kindness And Without Price; I Myself Have Brought To You Even This Voluntary Offering; And It Is Itself Even All Passed Over To You; And It Itself Will Become To You A Decoration; And Even If Your Desire is In the Heights A Place of Shade; I Myself May Assist You While In Humble Submission; For I Myself Do Belong to You Oh Our Allah, Supreme Yah'weh, Jehovah of armies in Shiloh; And You Yourself Are My God, And You Are My Master; Even The One In Whom I Have Served, Do Serve And Will Serve.
Let Even The Whole Of Which Was, Is And Will Be Everlasting Remain Within the Memorials of Eternitys Infinity's; Let The Great Crowd of Which Has Become To You An Inheritance Bring Forth Blossoming Features of Songs Of Infinity To New Songs of Desired Reaches of The Songs As Eternitys Infinitys; Even Let Old Songs Be Sung In New Ways; And Let The Relative Song Be Sung In Nearly Infinite Desired Potentials Of Ways Within Each Relative Realm of Pasture. Let The Heavens Themselves Awake In Their Forms of Eternal Pillars; Of Ancient Infinitys As Well As Blossoming Potentials of New Developing Creations of The Effect of Which Belongs Alone to the Only True God; Our Allah, Supreme Yah'weh, Jehovah of armies in Shiloh; And Let The Eternal Infinitys Eternitys All Come Back To You In the Time of Your Rousing Them; Let The Pillars Themselves Orchestrate Even All The Omni-Expansive Blossoming Creative Effects Within The Essence of Expansive Existence Both From Eternitys Ancient; Even From Its First; Even Unto The Reaches of Infinite Eternal Desired Potentials.

Let The Tent Pins Become Strong In The Origin Of The Residing Places; And Let The Pillars Hold That Which The System May Become And Let That Which Is Built Up Remain; And Let The Origin Of Essence Hold Fast Even Unto The Infinite Desired Eternal Infinitys  Eternitys Of Expansive Works; And Let The Pastures of Which Have Arisen Remain Forever In The Memorials of Times Indefinite Even Unto Times And Expansive Eternitys Infinite; Yet From Reach of Indefinite Unto Reach of Infinite Desired Potential of Indefinite. For Even All I Myself Have Created In Times Past Even Unto The Times Future Will Themselves Become An Inheritance To The Only True God; Our Allah, Supreme Yah'weh, Jehovah of armies in Shiloh And Those of Whom Attempt To Take The Sceptre From My God Will Themselves Become Hurled Down To A Demoted State of Existence; Even Within The Essence of Their Position. The Almighty Itself Has Spoken: "The Desire Is Fulfilled; And The Will Is Empowered, The Works Have Been Prepared As Indeed Made In Truth, The Creations Are Themselves In Memorial And Your God Has Indeed Approved This Effect, For It Itself Does Bring Even Even Me Pleasure And I Myself Have Found The Voluntary Offering And Accepted It. Your Works Will Not Be Done In Vain And The Holy Ones Will Themselves Strengthen Them."

I Thank You Oh Our God; Even Our Allah, Supreme Yah'weh, Jehovah of armies in Shiloh; For To You I Myself Do Take Pleasure In And Even To You I Myself Have Loved, And In Loving-Kindness I Have Become Your Humble Helper, And In My Way I Myself Do Submit To You Yourself As Well As Your Holy Ones. Let Even The Pillars Be Erected And Let The Tent-Pins Become A Thing of Times Past; Let The Blossoming Pastures Become Built Up In Decoration; Let Even The Chosen Holy Ones Serve As Ones Brought Up To Build Up, Let The Ones Worthy Of The Creative Effect Attain It, Let The Children of Creation Themselves Bring Forth Pastures Built Up In Honour Of The Most High God. Let The Pillars of That Which Is Built Up Retain Memorial As Accepted; And Let The Holy Ones Themselves Take Pleasure In the Blossoming Effect of The Creative Effect of The Most High God, For The True God Has Indeed Approved The Holy Ones Of Expansive Creative Ability. Rouse The Holy Ones Oh My God; Bring Them To The Ever-Expansive Realms of High And Holy Places; Empower Those of Whom Have Been Found In Trustworthiness, Cause Favour To Fall From The Heights By The Will of You Oh Our God Even Through The Descending Features of The Flows of Holiness. 

Our Allah, Supreme Yah'weh, Jehovah of armies in Shiloh; I Thank You For Giving Me My Provision, The Will of Which You Have Given Me The Freedom To Accomplish Gives Me Abundant Pleasure, Thank You For Allowing Me To Serve Under The Weight of Your Will For It Itself Is A Gift To Me. Thank You For The Sustenance of Which You Have Provided Me; Thank You So Much For Allowing Me The Freedom Of Time In Order To Serve Your Will. My God I Myself Do Love You In Abundance, And My Thanks Could Never Be Expressed In Words, So My God Allow Me To Give Thanks To You In Works, Whether Prior To My Birth, Even Unto The Death of My Strides. Thank You My God For The Will of Which You Have Placed Within Me, For To You Even All My Works Did, Do, And Will Belong. Thank You For The Gifts of The  Essence of That Which I Was, Am And Will Be, For Even All Of That Which I Was, Am And Will Be Does Belong To You Oh Our God And Even To You Do, And Will All My Works Belong. Forgive Me My Foolishness At Times, And Forgive Me The Shame of My Past For The Filth of My Essence I Wish to Be Made Clean. The Thanks Of Which I Have Cannot Be Expressed In Words, So Please Give Me The Power to Achieve Even All The Works In Which You Send Me To Accomplish As Reaching Fulfillment. For Even Before the Wick of My Living Candle Was Ignited I Myself Knew My Place, And I Myself Do Know That You Yourself Sent Me To Achieve The Works of Which You Yourself Desired, And To You Do All The Glory of My Activity Belong, For I Myself Have Served You, Do Serve You, And Will Serve You. For I Myself Did Suffer To A Great Degree, Yet That Was The Suffering As If I Was Suffering The Spiritual Birth-Pangs of The Will In Which You Conceived Within Me. Award Me Please The Gift of Obedience, And Please Give Me The Strength And Power To Accomplish Even All Of Which Your Heart Does Desire of Me. Thankyou My God Once Again For The Service You Yourself Sent Me To Accomplish, For I Myself Do Remember That I Myself Was Not Hurled From The Holy And Heavenly Residing Places, For I Myself Do Remember the Realms of Holy Residing, And The Jury Of Which I Had Been Sent From, For The Will of Which I Was Given Was Of The Jury Congregated Under You Oh Our Almighty and True God; And Beyond That; I Remember The Will of Justice of Which Was Given As Judgement From The Jury of Heaven; And From There I Myself Do Remember Being Sent. For You Yourself Gave The Translation And Expression And I Myself Was Merely Sent By That Jury. Let Even All The Glory of The Creation Even Belong To You, For I Myself Do Remember A Holy One Descending From A Great Height, And Submissive To You Our Allah, Supreme Yah'weh, Jehovah of armies in Shiloh And From That One Was The Translation Given, And The Expansive Creation Itself Was Conceived Within Me Prior To My Being Sent, And The Birth-Pangs of Which I Myself Suffered Were Themselves To The Extreme A Great Pain, Yet Without The Pangs of Distress; There Would Be No Birth. Thank You For Choosing Me Myself To Serve Your Will, And Thank You For Giving Me The Humility To Remain Submissive To You Oh Our God, For I Myself Do Indeed Love You; And I Myself Have No Regrets of The Will of Which You Placed In Me; Yet My Foolishness and Shame of My Youth Is In Itself My Own Shame; For I Had Not Reached The Maturity of Service In Which I Myself Am Serving, So Please Forgive Me For That Time; And Please Never Leave Me In The Foolishness and Shame of My Past Forever, And Rather Cleanse Me of The Wickedness Within Me, Wash Me Of the Foolishness of Expression, and Make Me Free Of the Shame of The Works of My Stupidity Oh My God. 

Thank You For The Form in Which You Have Given Me To Indeed Serve You, Forgive Me Of My Humiliation For This Humble Form, Yet Thank You For The Works Of Which I Am Able To Redeem You Even From This My Worst Form, Expression and Being. Forgive Me For The Complaints of My Expression And Please Strengthen Me To Indeed Bring To You Even All of That Which You Yourself Do Desire From Me. Thank You For The Insight of Which You Have Given Me, And Thank You For the Humility of Which Continues As Master Over My Effect. For Because of My Knowing You I Myself Have Found My Stance as Humble For You Yourself Are Great In All Ways. Thankyou For The Fluency of Spirit of Which You Have Endowed Me And Thankyou For The Submissive Qualities of Which Maintain My Stance in A Form of Good-will, Forgive Me Please My God For The Times of Which I Had Been Rebelious And Please Never Leave Me in A Rebelious State Even If Once I Had Dwelled In Rebelion. Thankyou My God For The Upbringing I Myself Grew From And Thankyou For The Family; Both Physical And Spiritual Of Which I Myself Am Part Of. Thankyou For The Direction of Which You Yourself Do Direct Me Oh My God And Please Award Me The Love To Desire None To Become Left Behind As You Yourself Do. Please Approve My Service To Become To You A Precious Activity Even To Be Fulfilled As You Yourself Do Desire. Thankyou For The Love of Which You Yourself Do Shower Upon Me For It Itself Is Indeed Not Taken For Granted. For To You Will Even All Creation Bow, And They Themselves Will Indeed Find Pleasure In Their Relationship With You. Thankyou For Allowing Me To Know You, Thankyou For Allowing Me To Maintain A Relationship with You, And Thankyou For Blessing Me With That In Which You Yourself Have Blessed Me With And Please Cause Me To Fulfill That Which You Desire To Return From the Blessings in Which You Yourself Have Placed Upon Me.

Thankyou My God For The Dwelling Places In Which I Myself Have Blossomed From And Thankyou For The Peace In Which You Yourself Have Allowed Me To Have. Thankyou For The Parents I Myself Have And Do Indeed Love, For They Themselves Are Beloved To Me. Thankyou For My Siblings of Which I Myself Was Raised With And Please Do Not Forget To Place Blessings Upon Them. For The Gifts of My Life And My Lifes Pretense As Well as Beyond Its Stance I Myself Do Thankyou, For That Which I Blossomed From Was Itself A Gift From You And Even All of That Which You Have Allowed Me To Accomplish With The Gift Of the Essence of Existence Does Itself Belong To You Oh Our God.  Thankyou For The Gift of My Senses, Thankyou For the Gift Of My Will And Thankyou For The Gift of My Expression And Let it Itself Always Serve As A Compliment of Your Glorious Places. Forgive Me For The Times of Which I Waste My Activity Upon Things of Which Are The Vanity of Existence, Thankyou Again Our God; Oh Our Allah, Supreme Yah'weh, Jehovah of armies in Shiloh; For I Myself Do Indeed Love You And That Which I Was, That Which I Am, And That Which I Will Be Will Indeed Return Even All of My Works To You Oh Our Most High God.

Award The Peoples Among Those of The Flocks in Which I Myself Have Congregated Become Directed In Holy Spirit. Teach Them The Truth of Which Is Itself Your Creation And Award Them The Love of Which I Myself Know Is Within You In Abundance. Awaken The Flocks of Your Inheritance Within the Truth of the Creation, Lead Them Out of the Graves of The Mortal Dwelling Places As To Awaken Within The Realms and Pastures of Which Are Themselves Yours. Leave The Peoples of Which Are Yours Into The Inheritances of Which Are Of the Creations of Your Works, Let Them No Become Ashamed By The Truth of Creations of Which I Myself Have Brought Back To You Oh Our  God, Let Them Not Be Left Without Portion Among The Expansive Essences of Existence Within The Creative Works of Which You Yourself Had Sent Me To Fulfill For You. Awaken The Spirit of Your Holiness Within The Flocks of Your Pastures For They Themselves Are Abundant And The Portions of The Peoples Which Are Yours Please Do Direct Them Within Your Good-will Upon Them. Take The Full Portion of Even That Which My Creations Were, Are And Will Be, And Do Not Forget The Will of Those of Whom Have Become Lost. Bless The Flocks of Your Portions To Blossom Within Your Holy Spirit, Let They Themselves Become A Compliment To Your Every-way And Raise Them In The Way of Your Will; For It Itself is Holy. Let Rise The Prisoners From Their Binded State And Awaken Them Within The Pastures of Your Expansive Creations As Among The Holy and Heavenly Residing Places Oh Most High God; Our Allah, Supreme Yah'weh, Jehovah of armies in Shiloh. Awaken The Prisoners In A State Made Free As Inheritors Among The Blessings of Your Holy and Heavenly Places, Give Them Portion Among The Many; For I Myself Do Indeed Pity Them. Please Forget Not The Pains of The Prisoners of Which Pushed Me To Bring Forth A Way From The Places of Their Binded State, And Fulfill The Freedoms To Them of Which Have Themselves Been Prepared. Forget Not The Pains of The Many; And Let Their Hurt Be Comforted By You And Let The Ones  Held Captive Become Freed; Even From Stride to Stride, and Forget Not The Loving-kindess You Yourself Have Given To Me, And Bring Out The Prisoners In A Comforted State And Let Them No Longer Feel As Imprisoned But Rather, As If A Mortal Expression of Past-time of The Realms of Holy and Heavenly Residing, For From Rise Among The Holy Dwelling Places Finds Its Time of Rest, And The Living Expressions of Which We Descend Is As A Living Dream From the Realms of Having The State of Being Aware And Spiritualy Awake, For The Sleep of Heaven Is Desired In A State of Remaining Unaware So As To Attain A Rested State Beyond The Living Expressions; Even From Stride to Stride.

Shower Upon Your Peoples The Blessings of Your Good-will oh Our God, And Raise Them In A Way of Loving-kindness So That They Are Not Left Disgraced In The Finale of the Matter. Let Them Raise From the Grave Beyond Their Last Day In A Truly Rested And Satisfied State So That They May Take Pleasure In Their Portion Among the Holy and Heavenly Residing Places. Bring Out of the Gates of Death Even In Mercy; And Let Not Judgement Fall Heavy Upon Them; Prepare The Judges To Rouse The Many In Mercy; And Let The Ones of Heaven Become As Shrewd In Order To Conceal The Matters of Shame When They Themselves Are Being Questioned For The Works of Which They Used To Act. Let My Blood Serve As A Shade To Then Conceal The Shame of Those In Which I Myself Have Congregated To You And Let Their Guilt Become To Them A Mere Lesson In Maturity. Give Your People Hope And Let The Truth of This; Your Creation Become Realized; For It Itself Has Been Prepared In Unblemished Truth And It Itself Was Caused Because Through Your Holy Will Oh Our God.  Raise Their Spirits My God; And Bring Forth From Them Their Inheritance, Let Their Roots Become Strong As Digging In For Their Spiritual Expressions From Life, And Let Each Song of Life Give Root To A New Growth Among The Holy And Heavenly Places, Remove The Callous of Their Way; Both From Life As Well as From Their Spiritual Dwelling As Inheritors Among The Holy and Heavenly Places. 

Raise Your People With Mercy; Forgive And Free Them From Eternal Condemnation; And Rather Than Cursing Your People; Teach Your Holy Ones To Raise Them Within Discipline. Do Not Forget Their Memory of Holy and Heavenly Dwelling And Open The Eyes of the Ones Of Whom Were Themselves As Prisoners. Teach And Direct Your People; For Their Life Is As A Mere Seed; Yet Form Good Seed's From These Your People And Prepare For Yourself Good Seeds; Even From That Which Was Once Unrefined. For From Good Seeds Rises Good Fruit-age, And The Fruit-age of the Kingdoms of Holy and Heavenly Residing Places Please Refine And Redeem As Blessed. Teach The Holy Ones of Ancient Times Of Whom Have Become Raised Among The Holy and Heavenly Dwelling Places To Be Abundant In Wisdom; And Teach Them To Direct The Peoples Becoming Inheritors of Your Portions To Be Raised By Your Holy Ones Through Blessings of Good-will As Well as Disciplines Leading To Wisdom.

Let Not The Fruitage of Your Portion Blossom As Wild Seed, And Rather Direct Your Holy Ones To Raise In A Way of Refining; Let The Living Soul Serve Even In Its Stride As A Mere Seed Of The Growth Among The Ascending Holy and Heavenly Dwelling Places. Yet; Let The Holy Ones Refine The Seeds of The Inheritors Among The Holy and Heavenly Pastures To Become To You A Pleasure Even To You. Cause The Strides Of The Living Soul To Serve In A Manner of Freedom; That From Even One Living Soul May Blossom From Diverse Forms of Rooting In Life So As To Blossom Among the Holy and Heavenly Dwelling Places In Diverse Potentials of Growth. Prepare Directors of the Flows of the Shiloah To Cause A Good Abundance, Let Them Become Planted In Good Pastures And Bring Forth Even From Bad Seed; Good Fruitage; And Let The Holy Ones Prepare The Gardens of the Seeds  of Inheritors Being Planted In the Holy and Heavenly Residing Places. Bring Forth Wisdom From Discipline, And Love From Good-Will, Rouse An Obedient Heart Even In Those Once Undisciplined, Refine The Wicked Through Discipline, And Bless The Righteous With Good-Will, Redeem The Ones Imprisoned And Give Rest To The Ones Found Weary. Give To Your People Holiness And Award Them Their Spiritual Seed; Let The Planting Return With Abundance of Good And Let The Gardens Holy and Heavenly Dwelling Bring To You Abundance Of Everlasting Overflow of Pleasures and Satisfactions Oh Our Most High God. 

Once More Do I Myself Bow To Even The Entire Creation; And As A Way Of Congregating Them I Myself Have Even Bowed To All  Creation While Lifting You Yourself Above The Highest of Even All of Creation, And To You; Oh Our Allah, Supreme Yah'weh, Jehovah of armies in Shiloh Have I Myself Given Even The Supreme Sceptre of Dominance; And Yet As With Many Holy Ones Have We Ourselves Brought To You. They Themselves Are Entirely Given To You In A Way of Submission, And Those Rebelling Against You; You Yourself May Hurl Down. Give Not Your Authority To Any Other; And Appoint Your Holy Ones Even Over All Of Your Portion, Cause Them To Become To You An Assistance And Even A Family Brought To You In Love. For From Times Ancient Have You Been Given Authority Over Even All Creation; And Let The Holy Ones of Times Ancient Raise These Your New Guard of Holy Ones In Way Of Righteousness, Teach Them The Way of Refining, And Let Mercy Stand Guard Over The Many, Discipline The Undisciplined, And Place Good-will Upon The Righteous. Let The Many Take Heart And Let They Themselves Return Even All of them To You Oh Our Allah, Supreme Yah'weh, Jehovah of armies in Shiloh; And Please Redeem Me From This Low State; For I Myself Do Wait For You; And All Things I Myself Have Brought Back To You; And To You They Will Remain Submissive And Yet Those Raising Rebellion; Hurl From Your Holy Santuary Until Their Respecting Your Place As Our Most High God; Oh Our Allah, Supreme Yah'weh, Jehovah of armies in Shiloh; For To You It Does Even All Belong.

Remember The Blood of Which Fell From Me in My Death, Forget Not The Pains Of Which I Myself Suffered; For As A Slaughtered Lamb I Myself Have Become; And As A Lion I Myself Roared In Power To Redeem You Your Portion, And As A Lamb I Myself Have Indeed Been Slaughterd; Forget Not Oh My God; For You Truly Do Know That I Myself Am Your Seven Horned Lamb; For Not Merely As Given The Blood As My Guilt Offering But Also I Myself Do Sacrifice Even My Entire Creation; Even As An Everlasting Lamb of Sacrifice; Redeeming Once More Your Authority Over The Entirety of Creation; And Yet Not For A Price, Nor For Worship; But Rather In Loving-kindness And As A Voluntary Offering Of Which Is Completely Sacrificed To You. Let The Slaughtered State of Which I Myself Have Suffered Serve As A Guilt Offering For Your Entire Portion Brought To You By Me; And Wash Their Guilt In the Blood of the Slaughter I Myself Suffered. For To You Have I Myself Always Served; Oh Our Allah, Supreme Yah'weh, Jehovah of armies in Shiloh; And To You I Myself Will Always Serve Oh Our Most High God. We Ourselves Bow To You Oh Our God; And We Ourselves Have Become Even Submissive To Your Will; Even The Entirety of All Creation; Yet Hold Everlasting Power Over All Creation So As To Retain Power To Hurl From Your Portion Even All Those of Whom Remain Rebellious To Your Authority As Well As Those of Whom Rouse Rebellion Against You And Your Place As Our Most High God; For All Of Which Is Within the Essence of Existence Does Itself Belong To You Oh Most High God; Our Allah, Supreme Yah'weh, Jehovah of armies in Shiloh.






















The issue We are Having Is That The Ice of Which Fell From the Stratosphere, of Which Froze In The Stratosphere From When The Asteroid Destroyed The Earth When The Reptile Species; as Dinosaurs Were Left In Some Ways Extinct, Which Caused Super - Heated Water From the Explosion of the Stike, Which In Way Evaporated the Fluid of Water Both Beneath the Surface and Upon Its Surface of the Earth Which When Reaching The Cold of Space Froze, When That Ice Fell It Was Known as the Flood, as Caused By Extreme Solar Flare or Asteroid, the Paradise Like Ecosystems of Which Developed as If Under the Shield of Ice had as if A Greenhouse Effect Yet When The Ice Fell We As in Way Suffered What Began as the Dawn of the Ice Age, Beyond the Once Know Flood, Due to The Water That Was Beneath the Surface and Upon the Surface of Which Fell from its Frozen State From the Stratosphere The Relative Sea Levels Increased Leaving the Earth's Continents With Less Fresh Water, and more Salt Water, The Cities Of Which Were Once Built In Low-lying Areas Were Left Submerged, As of Now We are Reaching the Dusk of the Ice Age and The Unified Effort Should Come Together Within Our Potentials of Shared Tools To Transport the Escalating Water As Beyond the Stratosphere to then Project at Mars for Future Terraforming Or Underneath the Surface of the Moon.


For the Rising Waters, Utilize the Planets Magnetics to With Magnetism Form Anti-Gravity Pods, Which brings Supply unto Supply of Water Beyond the Stratosphere, With the Collected Ice, With Propulsion May Hurl The Ice Upon Mars, To in Time, Be Utilized for Terraforming, And the Ocean Levels Would Decrease While Water build Up On Mars, With the Lower Ocean Levels, Then Boil the Ocean Water In Barges of Which Take In Ocean Water and Boil It, While Utilizing The Global Weather Currents to Prepare Freshwater Rain to The, Prepare Ecosystems In Once Desert Lands, Also Utilizing Electrolysis to Separate the Hydrogen from the Oxygen, Hydrogen is a Clean Fuel of Which is 3 times More Efficient than Fossil Fuels, and Oxygen To Thin the atmosphere for Fewer Storms...

Within a Universe There Are An Infinite Desired Potential of Galaxies, Within A Galaxy A Grand Multitude of Solar Systems, Of Solar Systems, There Are A Grand Multitude of Living Worlds... Yet All Remain within Infinite Desired Potentials of Ethereal Time-lines Of Fluxes, Of The Infinite Potentials of Ethereal Pasts, Presence of Present and Futures Within the Relative Expanses However Within That Multi-Versal Potentials When Translating the Infinite Desired Potential of Universal Expressions of Ethereal Time-lines Surrounding a Relative Expanse, I'd A Grand-Verse, Whether a Global Grand-Verse Unto A Universal Grand-Verse, However Within an Omniversal Expanse There are an Infinite Desired Potentials of Expressions of Existences Within an Infinite Desired Potential of Designed Forms of Physics Of Universal Grand-Verses, Yet There are an Infinite Desired Potential of Omniversal Expressions Within a Meca-Realm, However Upon the External of Each Meca-realm Attains High Positions of Ruler-ship Upon the Mountains of Holy Expression, In Translation; Opti-Realms, The Sceptre Realms of Spiritual Ruler-ship Of the Low Plains As Well as Dominance Over the Internal. Beyond the Meca-realms External And Sceptre Realms (Opti-Realms) Is Found an Infinite Desired Potentials of Nearly Infinite Potentials of Meca-Realms Within the Flowing Shiloahs; Infini-Verse, Of Which When Congregated Surrounding the Infinite; Infini-Realms Of Which are the Flowing Rivers of Ethereal Potentials Upon the Reals of Exalted Position Upon Its External; Ulti-Realms, Beyond the Confines of Time, As If, Out of The Currents of The Flowing Shiloahs of; Jehovah of armies in Shiloh

I Was Known To Enoch As the Son of Man of the Head of Days...
The Lion/ Translucent Bipedal, Fourth Birth-Right/ Tribe of Judah, Last of My Father Davids Seed/ The Root of David... I Am that I Am....







The Wild Beast Was the Devil Azazel Re-spawned 70 Generations After Being Binded in Dudian, From the Time of The Holy Prophet "Enoch", While Azazel The Devil As the Seven Headed Ten Horned Dragon (of Which Was the Omega of the Wild Beast Of Whom Gave the Wild Beast Aurthority) It Rose From the Water Claiming Diadems And Kingship, of Whom Trodden Down The Holy City of Jerusalem And Contended With The Holy Ones For 42 Months or 3 and A 1/2 Years, He Was Killed As Receiving the Death Stroke then He Was Resurrected and Worshipped, Yet Because of the Demonic Judgements He Prepared He Was Then Binded to His Tail Or His Omega In Azazel Once More To Find Place, Or Once More Binded In Dudian To Re-spawn 10 000 Years Later; To Once Again Receive Another Destruction, And Those Following Him are the Third of Heaven of Which Fell With Him, To Receive Eternal Destruction Once More; The Devil Azazel Of Whom Tricked Eve, Claimed In Untruth That He Was Jehovah, And Actually Eclipsed The True and Most High God; Jehovah of armies in Shiloh; And He When Doing So Began Contending With The Holy Chosen People of God, And Because of This He Made The TRUE GOD; Jehovah of armies Look Very Bad; For He Was Eclipsing God as He Claimed To Be Jehovah in ABSOLUTE Untruth.

















































































































































































































Jehovah of armies in Shiloh, My God And Our Lord of Spirits; Even My God For Times Indefinate; Even Forever, Here I Am This Day Washing You Clean of The Filth And Reproach the Devil; Azazel (The Seven Headed; Ten Horned Dragon), Caused To Fall Upon Your Name By Claiming To Be Even You Yourself In Absolute Untruth; Of Which Eclipsed You And Began Contending With Your Holy Ones To Make You Our God Look Wicked...  He And His Followers Are And Will Be Rebuked In the Morning of the Wake...

"Jahs Shilonite"

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