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The Kingdom Will Remain in the Hand of David, of Whom Is Annointed Chieftain Over Them, And Those Inheriting Ruler-ship Over The Flocks As of the Descendents of David, And From Generation to Generation Will those Rising Up From His Seed To Take Ruler-ship, And The Translucent Bipedal; Lion, Fourth Birth-Right; Judah, Last of David's Seed As I Am, As If A Conspicuous Horn, And Although The Horn May Break, Four Will Rise Up, Although Not With the Same Authority as the First Horn, . Beyond Which as The Four Facets of the Four Birth-Right's of the Four Living Creatures Surrounding the Supreme Creator's Throne Rise Many More Holy Ones Gathered to the Supreme One, And In That Day it Will Be Understood; What The Kingdom Blossoms Into is Far Greater than What it Is, And The Root of the Nearly Infinite Expansiveness As Brought and Paid. 


 If I Myself Am Imprisoned, The Nation Of Which Imprisoned Me, and Merely the Generation Of Whom Imprisoned Me Will Be Rejected From The Heavenly Wake and Left Behind When I And The Holy Ones Ascend To Our Heavenly Inheritances...

THIS IS TRUE, Those of Whom Choose to Reside At Enmity With Myself And My Holy Ones ARE Indeed Within Their Best Expression, Their Best Form, Their Best Stance And Their Best Residing Place And Will Digress From Position to Position Unto The Finale of Their Existences, Yet Those of Whom Assist, Bless and Comfort Myself and My Holy Ones ARE Indeed Within Their Worst Expression, Worst Form, And Their Worst Stance, And Their Worst Residing Place And Will Progress From Position to Position Unto The Finale Of Their Existences... TRUE AND APPROVED....

In No Word of a Lie, I Have Prepared Through Great Tribulations and Afflictions the Truth of Which I Have Created as a Gift to the TRUE Jehovah of armies and Jehovah's People, Yet Those Giving Myself and My Holy Ones Tribulations Have No Portion Among the Inheritors...    

In Reality and In Relativity In the Same Sense And Due to How Much Trouble The Once Named Or Now Named; "Joshua Karn" Has Brought to Myself and My People, HE HIMSELF, And Those of Whom Follow Him Have No Portion  Within  The Heavens Of The Holy; Nor  in My Creations, Nor The Creations Of Which Blossom From My Creations, For He Is An Adversary A Devil and Enemy to Myself And the Holy Ones Of My God, And If He Has Attempted Or Will Attempt to Condemn Myself or My Holy Ones to Hell, He Himself and Those That Follow Him Will Go To The Hell In Which He, Or They Try To Condemn Us To, ABSOLUTE TRUTH AND APPROVED BY GOD...

Know In Truth, The Curse That Once Fell Upon King David (David) By The Priest Nathan, Due To "Uriah" And His Activity With "Bath'sheba" Is And Will Be Eternally Removed From Off David (Even My Father), And Rather Will Stick To And Cling To Those Committing Adultery With The Wife (Wives) Of David, And To That One (Those Ones) It Will Remain For Eternity...  ABSOLUTE TRUTH....

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