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My Reproach Will Decrease While My Dignity Increases
My Jealousy Will Decrease While My Confidence Increases
What Is Unclean Within Me Will Be Made Clean
What Is Unholy Within Me Will Be Made Holy
What Is Broken Within Me Will Be Mended
What Is Unfaithful Within Me Will Be Made Faithful
What Is Hatred Within Me Will Be Turned to Love
What Is Anger Within Me Will Be Turned to Loving-Kindness
What Is Impatient Within Me Will Now Maintain Long-Suffering
What Is Weak Within Me Will Be Made Strong
What Is Strong Within Me Will Be Made Useful to the Holy
What Was Defrauded From Me Will Now Be Returned Me
What Is Lack of Integrity Within Me Will Be Made Integral
What is Disloyal Within Me Will Be Made Loyal
What Is Undesirable Within Me Will Be Made Desirable
What Is Contention Within Me Will Be Brought Out Peaceful
What Has Left Me Dissatisfied Will Be Brought To Satisfaction
What Came to Sadness Within Me Will Be Brought To Joy
What Is Bad Within Me Will Be Brought Out Good
What Is Angry Within Me Will Be Turned to Mildness
What Lacks Self-Control Within Me Will Be Brought to Self-Control

My Works And That Which Blossoms From My Works Will Become An Inheritance And A Belonging To That Which Caused, Causes And Will Cause To Become. (Jehovahs Servants Righteousness Comes From HIM ALONE)


In The Entrance of Gods Wake To His New Dawn of His Heavenly Kingdoms Of Which Were Created In This Mere Rugged Glove of Flesh; Merely of Our Gods Shed of Which Is Useful Because It Has The Name of the True God; Jehovah of armies Upon It; And If Any Attempt To Take Gods Glory While He Works In This Little Glove of Spirit While His Hand Is In This Thorn-Bush System; They Themselves Will Gain Not From What This Small Creature Creature Created; And If In Creation; BE SCARED.

Please Our God; Jehovah of armies in Shiloh; Within The Accomplished Effect Of My Desired Expansive Creative Works, Bring The Women; And Children As Well As Truly Deserving Me To The Kingdoms And Realms Prepared And Let They Themselves Choose Who They Desire To Enter The Blessings With Them. I Beg You; Oh Our Allah, Supreme Yah'weh, Jehovah of armies in Shiloh; My God.
I Now Bow Low And Hand You My Works And The Sceptre Of Ruler-ship.

I Am That I Am; I Am At My Lowest Minimum, Yet I Will From Height To Height Progress From Eternity's Infinite Heavenly Blessings Unto The Next Eternity's Infinity, As Able So As To Ascend As Well As Descend; As Well As The Holy Ones I Have Congregated For You Oh Our Allah, Supreme Yah'weh, Jehovah of armies in Shiloh As Entirely Given As Your Inheritance. 

Allow Me Please My God; To Bow To The Entire Female Community Omni-Expansively; So As To Lift Them Above Myself In My Inheriting Height; In Order To Once Again Ascend From Height To Height; To Be Among Them. Redeem The "Seeds Of Male", And The "Seeds Of Female" And Plant All Seeds To Progress In Mass Numbers; So As To Mate Each Potentials To Potentially Have Nearly Infinite Potentials Of "Male Seed" Mixed Nearly Infinitely With "Female Seed", Whether Through Designed Evolution's So As To Intermix The Entirety To In Essence Redeem Every Potential Mix Of "MALE SEED" ALONG WITH "FEMALE SEED", Both Plant Life, Living Expressions Of The Essence Of "Soul"; As The Physical Essence Of A Spiritual Expressions Within Every Desired Assortment Of Living Creatures; From Progressive Infinite, Unto Progressive Infinite. Yet, In The Finale Of Each Eternal Infinite Macro-Wave Of Time; Unto The Finale Of Infinite Eternal Stride; Let Each Remain Able To Be Re-Established From Its Once Position; In Order To Cause Nearly Infinite Potentials Of Progressively Designed Evolution's As Well As Co-Creations. Give The Children Their True Inheritance Oh Our Allah, Supreme Yah'weh, Oh Jehovah of armies in Shiloh; For They Themselves Will Become To You; Your Beloved Physical And Spiritual Family.




Relative Geomagnetic Biomatrix Have Limitless Forms of Macro-Waves of Time Flowing In Limitless Diversity; However The Great Ice Of Destiny Is Broken By Luck Thrown At Destiny To Then Award Our Allah, Supreme Yah'weh, Jehovah of armies in Shiloh The Sceptre Of Good-Will; Of Whom Designs Luck; In Order To Direct Flowing Rivers Of Diverse Forms of Parallel Timelines of Verses Of The Relative Expanse, However For Every Verse Of The Parallel Multi-Verses Are Directed By The Good-Will Of Our Supreme Creator And God.  Yet Within Each Form Of Relative Expanse; There Are Infinite Potentials Of Relative Physics, Designed As If Colours of Relative Physics Within The Desired Infinite Expanses. 

Within A Relative Parallel Multi-Verse There Are Nearly Infinite Potentials Of The Flowing Macro-Waves; Being Directed By The "Shiloah" Of Jehovah of armies in Shiloh, Which In Essence Breaks Destiny, And Due To The Drawing Close To Our Allah, Supreme Yah'weh, Jehovah of armies in Shiloh, The Path of Which We Are Being Directed Is Given Good-Will Which Directs Us By The Higher Perceptively Holy External Layers Of Expansive Breaches Of Progressive Expansive Relative Realms, Unto Progressive Expansive Relative Realms. Yet; Perceive Each Relative Forms of Physics Can Be As If Expressed As A Colour of Physics, Yet, The Physics Have Both Diverse Forms Of Expression, Relative To Shade; Or Layered Multi-Verse; As Well As Diverse Potentials of "Colour"s of Physics; Each With Their Own Shades; Or Nearly Infinite Potentials of Expansive Realms Of Diverse Potentials Of Relative Physics, Being Directed By The Shiloah Of Our Allah, Supreme Yah'weh, Jehovah of armies in Shiloh.

In The Dawn Of The Rising of the Almighty True God, From The Dusk of What Became of His Last Creation, The Almighty Prepared For Himself Early Rising Task-Masters, These Task-Masters Are Beyond The Rivers Of The Gate-Keepers, These Gate-Keepers As Those of Whom Direct And Redirect The Flow of Creations, Co-Creations And Re-Creations, These Gate-Keepers Allocate The Infinite Potentials Diverse Congregations Rising From A Previous Creation Unto Its Promoted State Within A Relative Hierarchy As The Youth Of What Becomes The Advisory Class Of Elders, These Legions In the Dusk of The Elder-hood In Its Previous Stride, Design Desired Expressions Of NEW Or Recreated Palates of Expression Within A Prepared State of Existence; Due To The Infinite Potentials of Expansiveness From The Co-Creative Classes; The Choice In Pretence of Nearly Infinite Potential of Allocated Realities, The Currents of the Flows of Expressions of Existences From The Infinite Potential of Relative Expanse Take The Flow As in A Similar State of Blood Within A Living Form, When The Blood In Rejuvenated As If Blood Flowing Through The Heart Within A Form From Its Weary Blood Cell; So Do The Gate-Keepers Direct The Currents Of The Infinite Expanse, The Previous Current From Stride To The Relative Stride Of Which Had Accomplished From Its  Sprout From The Root of Mortality Of Which Blossomed From Beyond Its Lowly State Of The Living Rest; As Those Who Rise Beyond The Heavenly Resting Place Of Mortality; As Rising From the Living Expression Of Heavenly Sleep Unto The Residing Place of those Of Who Before You; Already Received The Heavenly Resurrection From the Diverse Strides Of The Heavenly States Of Which Reached The Infinite Desired Potential of As Reaching A State As If Worn Out Which In

The Dawn of The Resurrection Beyond The Wake of Death Reaches Unto The Following State Progressed Expressions Of The New Song Directed By The Gate-Keepers, To Those Who Rise In The Morning Becoming The Elder-Class From Their Service As Task-Masters Of the Over-seers of Those of Whom Orchestrate From Infinite Desired Potential Of Allocated Symphonies of Expression, From The Dominant Creature, Even to the Least of Them, From Those In The Lower Expressions of Existence To Those Blessed Reaching The Exalted Expression, Even All Things Attain Their Infinite Desired Potential of Expressions of Heavenly And Mortal Forms, And When The Callous Grows Thick, and Sensitivity Has Lost Sense, There Is A Desire To Rest, And In the Finale Of the Infinite Desired Potentials Of Unlimited Forms of Expression, The Original Place Of Its Blossoming Potential of Growth Becomes A Womb Once More, And Whether Down Properly Or Not Achieving A Progressed State, Due to Preparations or Merely A New Song Of Which Then Again Blossoms In Even A New Infinite Desired Potential Of Growth. From The Dawn of the Early Rising Task-Masters Directed By the Currents of The Gate-Keepers Which Blossoms Into Infinite Potentials of  Omni-Expnansive Growths Into Infinite Potentials of Re-Creation, Creation, Or Expansive Co-Creation.  Yet From One Stride to The Next, The Gate-Keepers Direct Currents to The Task-Masters, The Task-Masters Allocate Those Of The Transition of Mortality Unto Their Ascended Place, From Legion to Legion The Blossoming Expansions Even Unto the Infinite Form To the Following Desired Rest.   As We Rise And Rest, Not Only From Mortal Day to Mortal Day, But From The Dusk Of the Heavenly Infinite Desired Potential To The Transition And Rest From Heaven As Well As Transition To The Resurrection To Heaven As To The Progressed And New Infinite Desired Potential.  

Oh; Our Allah, Supreme Yah'weh, Our Sovereign Lord; Jehovah of armies in Shiloh; Cause Oh Our God To Let The Best Progress With the Better, And Let The Good; Progress To Great. While Even After The Desired; Eternity's Infinity; Our Allah, Supreme Yah'weh, As Jehovah of armies in Shiloh Will Become The Most High God; And Supreme Creator Over All Creations, Evolutions, And Co-Creations; Even From One Indefinite Unto Its Following Indefinite.

Jehovah My God; Please Forgive Me My Errors If I Myself Am Deserving Forgiveness, For My Relationship With You Is Limitlessly Priceless And To Receive Good-will Is Better Than The Forgiveness Of My Wickedness; For Rather Would I Choose Discipline Unto Deserved Trust. 
I Have Had Abundant Struggles While Preparing The Prepared Portions of My Gift-Offerings of Thanks; Yet Many Have Remained At Opposition To Myself; As Well As The Many Other Holy Ones, In Ways Of Confrontations and Works At Attempting To Defraud What Was, Is And Will Always Be As A Contribution Of Thanks; And As A Gift of Thanks For Allowing Me To Serve Your Beloved Holiness.
I Ask You My God, To Please Take All Creation; For What It Was, Is Or Will Become As To You; Your True Portion, And What Was, Is And Will Become Mine Belonged, Belongs, And Will Belong To You; Oh Our God; Oh Allah, Supreme Yah'weh, As Jehovah of armies In Shiloh; For That Is The One Of Whom I Myself Serve. 

So Long As I May Belong To Your Friend; Abraham of Abram; Let His Descendents Of That Friend  of You Yourself; Oh Our God Become Victorious In Your Strength. So That Whatever Our Allah; Yah'weh, As The Supreme One; Jehovah of armies in Shiloh Approves Will Be Done By The Beings In Service To That One, As Well As The Bountiful "Lot" Of Abraham of Abram; Father of Ishmael, And Isaac, Grand-Father of Esau, And Jacob, Great-Grand-Father of Judah.

I Myself of Which Is My Own "I AM" Take Each And Every Approved Soul, Spirit, And Creature And In Truth Redeem Each and Every; Even All, Whether Once Sold Or Once Misled Ones Unto You Oh Our True God; Oh Allah; Supreme Yah'weh, Oh Sovereign Lord; Jehovah of armies in Shiloh.
As In Certainty and Suddenly An Anchor Fell To the Lowest Places of Existence And Became Lodged In It's Place; Yet When The True And Most High God; Our Allah, Supreme Yah'weh, Our Sovereign Lord; Jehovah of armies in Shiloh Wishes Once Again To Progress; He Will Then Pull The Lowest Residing Places Up From Their Depths As If A Fisherman Lifting All Creations Up Within Its Net; As Once An Anchor; And Progress Unto Its Next Abundance. 

From Height To Desired Height, Our Allah, Supreme Yah'weh, Our Sovereign Lord; Jehovah of armies Will Progress From Infinite Desired Potentials From Indefinite Unto Eternity's Desired Infinite As The True And Most High God; Even Our Supreme Creator.

An Earlier Of The Creations of What The Almighty God; Jehovah of armies Did Within Its Early Works, Was Design of Evolution; Because God Was Tired of Knowing Everything; And To Get Out of Knowing Everything He Designed Evolution As A Small Portion of That. In This Universal Time-line of the Relative Grand-Verse; Water Was The Tool of The Evolving Design; He Caused It To React And Manipulate Itself To Progress From State of Existence of Which Caused Countless Eventual Organisms In Nearly All Forms of The Elemental And Potentials of Physics; Relative To Their Diverse Progressive Designed Evolution's; Yet All Diverse Potentials Also Change Based On The Relative Position Of The Island of Earth In Living Reach Within The Solar Gravitational Weight. 

Living Creatures Began To Then Arise In The Relative Ecosystems; Blossoming Through the Design of Evolution's While Adapting To Relative Or Changing Ecosystems In Order To Progress To Utilise Its New Adaptation To Then Be An Advantage Within The Relative Or Changing Ecosystems. 

Yet This Design Is Not Merely Universally Grand-Versal; For It Reaches To Residing Places And Realms Within All Expansive Creations. Yet From Their God Then Blessed The Living Creatures Within The Creations of Whom Were Before The Design of The Humanoid Creatures; That Our God Almighty; Jehovah of armies; Has Prepared Heavenly Residing Places Of Which Are Given  Even For Each Living Creature A Gift For They Themselves To Gain Each And Every Of Their Their Own Heavenly Paradises; Of Which Their Living Creatures Dominate. They Themselves Will Become Comforted, Blessed, And Sustained With Abundance And The Love And Blessing Of Our God; Jehovah of armies in Shiloh.
God Then Began To Select Each of The Creatures Within The Realms of the Living Creatures Of Whom He Gave To Them As Their Paradise, And Began Mixing Them Within Inter-species Domains To The Test The Potentials of Them And Allow For The Designed Evolution To Manipulate Itself To Progress From State  of Existence of Which While Adapting To Those Relative Or Changing Ecosystems In Order To Progress To Utilise Its New Adaption To Them Be An Advantage Within Its New And Blossoming Relative And Changing Ecosystems.

Then From The Creations And Previous Designs; Bring Them From Height To Height First; In Order To Have Blessed Systems of Existence To Then Create The Heavenly, Paradise, And Earthly Domains Of Which Have All Become Orchestrated By The Creatures Of Which God Then Began To Create In Each of The Earthly, Paradise, As Well As Heavenly Realms. Yet, Still Awarding And Giving Paradise, Blessed, And Holy Residing Places For Each Of Those Creatures. From Their Our Almighty God; Jehovah of armies in Shiloh Began To Observe The Creatures Based on Their Adapting Personality, And Began To Allocate Them To Their Deserved Relative Spiritual Height To Then Attain New Sustenance of Existence Of the Found Relative Height, Whether Through Discipline, Or Through Exaltation's Because of Works Achieved.

 From The Previous Stances And The Ones of Whom Were Truly Found Worthy He Then Began To Place Them Over Positions Within His Expansive Creations And Designed Evolutions, And Began To Teach Them The Ways of Co-Creations To That Its The Next Level of The Once Designed Evolutions, Because Their Are Creations Of Designed Evolution; Co-Creating While Even Themsevles Evolving Merely Due To The Design. From There; Our Almighty God Then Had Truthfully Created The Designs of Evolution To The Evolving Species To Co-Create While Evolving.


Beyond Times; Within Timelessness, The Formation Will Descend As Rain Forming Growth From the Gate-Keepers of the Opening Realms The Heirarchy of Chayot TerOphanim, The Royal Guard of the Terophanim to Protect Those Doing the Works, Down through the Chayot Hakodesh With Unlimited Strength of the Holy Shiloah; The Creative Tool of Dispensation and Manifestation and Orchestrates of the Symphonies of Dimensional Fragments of Inheritance, Down through the Ionic Orchestrates of the Terophim Expanding and Manifesting All the Works of Ionic Effect Beyond Time, Down Through the Ophanim The Congregation's of Gilead, Gibeah, and Gibeon, Down Through the Orchestrates of the Verses of the Times Indefinite Withing the Realms of Time, and Through These Effects of Truth The Manifestation and Creation Was, Is and Will Be Formed...

Within a Universe There Are An Infinite Desired Potential of Galaxies, Within A Galaxy A Grand Multitude of Solar Systems, Of Solar Systems, There Are A Grand Multitude of Living Worlds... Yet All Remain within Infinite Desired Potentials of Ethereal Time-lines Of Fluxes, Of The Infinite Potentials of Ethereal Pasts, Presence of Present and Futures Within the Relative Expanses However Within That Multi-Versal Potentials When Translating the Infinite Desired Potential of Universal Expressions of Ethereal Time-lines Surrounding a Relative Expanse, I'd A Grand-Verse, Whether a Global Grand-Verse Unto A Universal Grand-Verse, However Within an Omniversal Expanse There are an Infinite Desired Potentials of Expressions of Existences Within an Infinite Desired Potential of Designed Forms of Physics Of Universal Grand-Verses, Yet There are an Infinite Desired Potential of Omniversal Expressions Within a Meca-Realm, However Upon the External of Each Meca-realm Attains High Positions of Ruler-ship Upon the Mountains of Holy Expression, In Translation; Opti-Realms, The Sceptre Realms of Spiritual Ruler-ship Of the Low Plains As Well as Dominance Over the Internal. Beyond the Meca-realms External And Sceptre Realms (Opti-Realms) Is Found an Infinite Desired Potentials of Nearly Infinite Potentials of Meca-Realms Within the Flowing Shiloahs; Infini-Verse, Of Which When Congregated Surrounding the Infinite; Infini-Realms Of Which are the Flowing Rivers of Ethereal Potentials Upon the Reals of Exalted Position Upon Its External; Ulti-Realms, Beyond the Confines of Time, As If, Out of The Currents of The Flowing Shiloahs of; Jehovah of armies in Shiloh

From the Start We Remained In a Higher Realm and When Wishing to Start Anew We Began to Take and Separate the Prepared through Uriel By Jah; Jehovah of armies in Shiloh and Dark Matter The Desity of Matter... And When Combining them They Inhaled Do To Their Super Dense Form Imploding and Inhaling in the Expansiveness of the Seven Directions of North, West, East, South, Up, Down And the Density of Within, and As it Expanded the Anti-matter as Photonic Expansion, Photonic Fusion, Photonic Bonding and Then Were Utilized with Ionic Refraction Through The Ions of Aeoniel Unto Colour, and From Colour There Came Ionic Fusing in Diversity, and Ionic Bonding in Diversity, Then Covalent Fusing Forming Diverse Forms of Covalent Bonds in Diverse Form, In Essence the Root of The Atomic Fusing Forming the Stars, And Within the Stars Began Atomic Bonding as the Star Cooled, Of Which Eventually Became Elemental Fusing Within the Remains of the Dead Star unto Elemental Bonding Through the Dark Matters Effect Upon Element Bonding in Dark Energy, From there Came Mass Fusing with the Effects of Astroids and Commets Combining As Mass Bonding Forming Worlds and Large Masses of Elements Within Dark Energy, The Mass Hurled Through Dark Energy Eventually Finding the Gravity of the Star When finding Rotation around the Star the Magnetics Caused the Earths Rotation as it Found Ballance of Its New Rotation of Gravitational Pull and Finding Place Around that Stars Rotation Eventually Warming and Heating the Element When a Mass Finds Place in Distance From the Star to Cause Life by the Elements Being Heated And the Ice From the Elements to Become Water, The Water then Began to Stew within Different Aspects of the Elements Causing Mitosis by Decay Forming Bacteria, And from Bacteria Forms of Life through the Trial and Error of Time and the Stew of the Heat of the Star Transitioning the Life Source of Water as it Combines and Began to Be Manipulated into Forms of Life...

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.+

  Now the earth was formless and desolate,* and there was darkness upon the surface of the watery deep,*+ and God’s active force*+ was moving about over the surface of the waters.+
 And God said: “Let there be light.” Then there was light.+

From The Finale of The Previous Eternitys Desired Reaches And Even All of Which Had Progressed Within Creation; From the Branching Potentials Of Which The Seed of Source Prepared; Of Which Designed Within Every Relative Expanse; Progressions Through Adaptations, Overcoming Relative Circumstances And Maturing Within Ecosystems Advancing Within Evolutionary Adoptions From Progression to Progression, Eventually Sprouting Many Diverse Forms of Existences of Consciousness Of Nearly Infinite Potentials of Creatures In Nearly Infinite Potentials of Expanses of Dimensional Relativity Blossoming Forms Of Progressively Advancing Expressions of Existences of Views of Reality Within Nearly Infinite Potentials of Layers of intellectual Heights. From That Root Blossomed A Relative Expanse of Sources Creation, However the Relativity of The Creator; Jehovah of armies in Shiloh then Began Interacting With The Nearly Infinite Potentials of Creatures, Within Nearly Infinite Potentials of Pastures, Within Nearly Infinite Potentials of Expanses, With-Holding and Infinite Potentials of Layers of Relativity, Of Which Became Known as Spirituality. From Spirituality Blossomed Nearly Infinite Potentials of Teachings From Individual Seeds of Understanding of Desired as Well as Undesired Beliefs Surrounding the Works of Our Supreme Creator and God. As Centered Around Creation, The Commonality To All Things Is Relative to The Supreme Creator and as Seeds of Faith God's Desired Adoptions of Spiritual Creativity Within Creation May Become Truth; Even Unto Its Infinite Desired Reach Within Faith Accomplishing Truth Through the Supreme Creator as "Co-Creation". From there Jehovah of armies in Shiloh Began to Authorize Co-Creation Through the Holy Shiloah, When in Truth Reaching an Approved State of Relative Design 

By The Blessings and Authority of the SUPREME Creator, Co-Creation's of Infinite Potentials Then Began to Blossom Within The Infinites of Expansiveness From the Root of Creation Accomplishing Truth Through the Holy Shiloah, Faith May Accomplish All Things, Hence Truth Accomplished by Faith Is Under God; Co-Creation. From The Dawn of Creation Was Found Near Infinites, Yet From Each Dawn, Eventually The Day Finds its Dusk When Rest Is Longed For, and From Eternal Stride To Eternal Stride Each Day Progresses from its Previous, And What Has Come; Even From The First Mover, if Desired, Remains From Dawn of One Eternity to The Next, Unto The Infinite of Desired Reach Of Its Existence...

  After that God saw that the light was good, and God began to divide the light from the darkness.   God called the light Day, but the darkness he called Night.+ And there was evening and there was morning, a first day.

  Then God said: “Let there be an expanse+ between the waters, and let there be a division between the waters and the waters.”+  Then God went on to make the expanse and divided the waters beneath the expanse from the waters above the expanse.+ And it was so.  God called the expanse Heaven.* And there was evening and there was morning, a second day.

  Then God said: “Let the waters under the heavens be collected together into one place, and let the dry land appear.”+ And it was so.  God called the dry land Earth,+ but the collecting of the waters, he called Seas.+ And God saw that it was good.+  Then God said: “Let the earth cause grass to sprout, seed-bearing plants and fruit trees according to their kinds, yielding fruit along with seed on the earth.” And it was so.  And the earth began to produce grass, seed-bearing plants+ and trees yielding fruit along with seed, according to their kinds. Then God saw that it was good.  And there was evening and there was morning, a third day.

  Then God said: “Let there be luminaries*+ in the expanse of the heavens to make a division between the day and the night,+ and they will serve as signs for seasons and for days and years.+   They will serve as luminaries in the expanse of the heavens to shine upon the earth.” And it was so.   And God went on to make the two great luminaries, the greater luminary for dominating the day+ and the lesser luminary for dominating the night, and also the stars.+   Thus God put them in the expanse of the heavens to shine upon the earth  and to dominate by day and by night and to make a division between the light and the darkness.+ Then God saw that it was good.  And there was evening and there was morning, a fourth day.

 Then God said: “Let the waters swarm with living creatures,* and let flying creatures fly above the earth across the expanse of the heavens.”*+ And God created the great sea creatures* and all living creatures* that move and swarm in the waters according to their kinds and every winged flying creature according to its kind. And God saw that it was good. With that God blessed them, saying: “Be fruitful and become many and fill the waters of the sea,+ and let the flying creatures become many in the earth.”  And there was evening and there was morning, a fifth day.

  Then God said: “Let the earth bring forth living creatures* according to their kinds, domestic animals and creeping animals* and wild animals of the earth according to their kinds.”+ And it was so.  And God went on to make the wild animals of the earth according to their kinds and the domestic animals according to their kinds and all the creeping animals of the ground according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good.

  Then God said: “Let us+ make man in our image,+ according to our likeness,+ and let them have in subjection the fish of the sea and the flying creatures of the heavens and the domestic animals and all the earth and every creeping animal that is moving on the earth.”+   And God went on to create the man in his image, in God’s image he created him; male and female he created them.+  Further, God blessed them, and God said to them: “Be fruitful and become many, fill the earth+ and subdue it,+ and have in subjection+ the fish of the sea and the flying creatures of the heavens and every living creature that is moving on the earth.”

  Then God said: “Here I have given to you every seed-bearing plant that is on the entire earth and every tree with seed-bearing fruit. Let them serve as food for you.+   And to every wild animal of the earth and to every flying creature of the heavens and to everything moving on the earth in which there is life,* I have given all green vegetation for food.”+ And it was so.

  After that God saw everything he had made, and look! it was very good.+ And there was evening and there was morning, a sixth day.

Thus the heavens and the earth and everything in them* were completed.+  And by the seventh day, God had completed the work that he had been doing,* and he began to rest on the seventh day from all his work that he had been doing.*+  And God went on to bless the seventh day and to declare it sacred, for on it God has been resting from all the work that he has created, all that he purposed to make.
  You heavens, rain down from above; Let the clouds pour down righteousness. Let the earth open up and be fruitful with salvation, And let it cause righteousness to spring up at the same time. I, Jehovah, have created it.”

  My instruction will fall as the rain; My words will trickle as the dew, As gentle rains upon grass And as copious showers upon vegetation.'

 Faithfulness will sprout from the earth, And righteousness will look down from the heavens.

Consciousness of Independent Existence Feeds Off The Nutrients of Adapting to Circumstance While Maturing Within Its Activity to Learn Lessons Within The Challenges it Faces, And Once the Understanding and Desired Maturity is Reached, It Moves Onto Its Next Expression of Consciousness To Attain The Following Lessons Prepared For The Individual Existence Of its Own New and Yet Progressed State Again Feeding On the New Lessons of Challenges In Order to Mature Off the Nutrients of Adapting to Circumstance Maturing And Evolving In Sense Due to The Potential Lessons From One Form to the Next. Yet The More Mature the Creature The More Refinement it Needs Due to the Callous of "Age" , And When the Oldest and Strongest Creatures From High Forms of Existence Descend, They Put themselves in More Difficult Living Tribulation In Order To Make Up For the Callous of "Age", So They May Learn Lessons That the Youngest and Weakest Are Not Yet Ready For, and As Children's Innocence, Less Tribulation is Needed to Learn the Lesson Desired; So Young Heavenly Creatures Partake of the Easier, More Gentle Stride of Independent Conscious Existence. Universal "Exile" From the Heavenly Realms Within A Mortal Form As If the Places of Heavenly Sleep, Understanding Life is But a Dream, The Living Dream is One Expression of Which Gives the Nutrients of Circumstance Adapting While Maturing....


I Ask Of You Oh Inheritors Of Holiness, You Entering Into The Heavenly Residing Places; Draw Close To Your God: Our Creator and Lord of Spirits; The Supreme One; Jehovah of armies in Shiloh, For That One Is The Sovereign Lord and the Almighty God, Source Of Colour, Creator of Infinite Expansiveness; The One Descending It Its Omega And Ascending To Its Alpha, The Source of The Everlasting Expanse, For That Is the One In Whom I Have Served, Do Serve, and Will Serve, And As A Master Sending Me; A Mere Helper, So I Have Prepared That Which My Master Desired, Fear Not the Messenger, Nor Dignify The Servant With His Masters Gift, For The Creation Is Beyond Conception, And As In The Womb, Should It Not Be Brought to Birth? For The Desire of My God Was As Something to Be Loosed, And As In Pangs As of a Birth So They Are Brought to Fulfillment, And As Merely Unveiling My God's Will, So Has My God's Grip Been Firmly Upon Me, And As A Servant of Jehovah; So My Righteousness Comes From That One Alone. Although I Am As a Slaughtered Lamb, I Ask You To Remember the Days of Moses and the Time of the Golden Calf, Do Not Worship the Lamb, And Return to the First Love; Let Us Not form Baal's, Nor Give Authority to Idols, Resist those Eclipsing The Supreme One, Yet Honour Those Reflecting the Supreme One, Strengthen The Creator, And Let Us Rise In Unity As Belonging to The Supreme Creator, As Ones Attaining Inheritance As Entering As Sons and Daughters of Our God Within the Holy And Blessed Residing Places.


The Word of God Is Active and Exerts Power, And Yet Faith Without Works are Dead, And Yet Faith Accomplishes All Works, Hence If Truth Is Accomplished By Unified Faith then Congregated Belief Prepared in Truth of Blemishless Expression Allows For Progression Through Refined Expression Of Creation, The Root Of Blossoming Adaptation As Evolutionary Of Which When Realized Causes Faith Given Power To Accomplish Co-Creation, For That Which Utilizes Faith Accomplishing truth Will Do Well In Preparations Leading to Unveiling Truth, For Those Serving the Supreme Creator All Need Do Is Prepare An Offering OF Faithful Work's And All Those Rolling Their Works Upon the Almighty, and Those When Accomplishing The Will Of An Approved Creation, Then Are to Redeem And Return All Things to The Supreme Creator Of Whom Brought to Truth The Offered Creation; Will Not only Exult You But Also The Almighty God and Supreme Creator....



Oh Nation's, Peoples, Tribes, Tongues, To Those of Whom Choose to Enter As Among the Holy Ones of the Supreme One, Of these Prepared Flocks of Inheritors, Do Not Give the Glory of Its God to Others Besides OUR God and Our Supreme Creator, For I Was Directed By One, And the Spirit of Which Moulded Me And Directed Me Was The Spirit of My God; "That Which Causes to Become" In "To Whom It Belongs"; In English; Jehovah of armies in Shiloh, The God Of Abraham of Abram, As Congregating Even All Colour even Ions Through His Seed. Let Us Return to Our God and Forsake The Worship of Those Besides Our God, Let Us Not Make Our God Jealous, And In All Ways Let Us Return to Our God, Let Us Not Fight over That Which is In Exodus, But Rather Let us Act in Righteousness that Our Memory Remain Dignified, Do not Worship Me, Nor Turn to Baals, Let Us Oh Blessed Flock Call Upon the Name Of The Almighty True God, The Lord of Spirits, The Source of Creation, The Repurchaser of Exiles, The True Saviour; Jehovah of armies in Shiloh, For To That God Will Be Gathered Even Others than Even those Given, And The Entirety Are Given in Truth to The Supreme Creator For As Limitless Progressive Potentials and Memorials of Potentials Past, Are Under the Almighty Authority Of Our God; Jehovah of armies in Shiloh.

The Entirety Of The Blessed Realms of Which Source Had, Has, Or Will Have Prepared; Whether Through Myself, Or My Holy Ones Has Reflective Spiritual Armour of Which Removes And Returns In Rebuke Against Any Curse Called Down Upon The Blessed Realms, Or Blessed Holy Ones Of Myself Or The Holy Ones Of My Holy Ones, And Any Evil Called Down Upon Myself;  My Holy Ones, Or Their Residing Places Will Itself Be Brought Down Upon They Of Whom Attempted To  Call Down Evil Upon Myself, My Holy Ones Or Their Residing Places And The Curse or Evil Called Down Upon Myself, My Holy Ones Or Their Residing  Places Will itself Fall Upon They Of Whom Attempted To Call Down Such A Curse or Evil Upon Myself, My Holy Ones Or Their Residing Places.  The Ones Within the Blessing Of Those Given Entrance As Among The Holy Ones of Myself, Or Those Submissive To My Holy Ones, Will Be Guarded By The Blessings And Indeed Will Have All Have that Spiritual Armour I Myself Have Prepared, Am Preparing, And Will Prepare, No Matter The Residing Place, Pasture, Realm And Kingdom in Which They Choose Or Are Blessed to Reside Within or Travel Within And Beyond, And The Spirit Of the Holy Congregations of Jehovah of armies In Shiloh Will Stand Guard Over it's Heirs and Chosen Inheritors of Approved Blessing; and They Themselves Will Bless The Heirs and Inheritors and Due to The Blessings Received The Heirs and Chosen Inheritors Will Honour the Holy Ones of The True God; Jehovah of armies; and The Land's, Realms, And Residing Places Of The Heavenly Class Of Which Within Will Take Delight in Righteousness, Holiness, Godliness, Submission, Humility, Devotion, Blessing, Sustenance, Luxury, And Limitless Ways of Experiencing Overwhelmingly Abundant And Diverse Forms of Satisfactions, Pleasures, Exaltations, and Glories...

The Spiritual Armour Covering The Realms, Kingdoms and Residing Places of Myself, My Holy Ones or Their Elect; In Absolute Truth  Over-Power the Authority and Dominion Of The Realms, Kingdoms, or Even The Congregations At Enmity With Myself Or My Realms, Kingdoms, Residing Places or Holy Ones.

THE CREATIONS OF MYSELF AND MY HOLY ONES OF WHICH WERE, ARE, And WILL BE; WILL REMAIN Within the Indefinite and Infinite Desired Potentials  (Which Are The Realms, Kingdoms, Residing Places, And Inheritances Of Myself and My Holy Ones); Were, Are and Will Be; From Indefinite and Infinite Desired Potentials unto Indefinite and Infinite Desired Potentials; And What "Was" is Not As Great as What "Is" and What Is is Not as Great As What "Will Be"; The Entire Of Those Blessed Among Those of The Inheritors; Has the Indefinite and Infinite Spiritual Armour of The Founder and Source of the Infinite Potential of Strides of the Armour That Was Prepared; Is Prepared and Will be Prepared as A Defensive Boundary Surrounding The Whole of The Kingdoms of Creation; Under The Almighty And True God.
 In The Beginning, (Dawn of Jahs Works) GOD DESIGNED the Photons Were With the Spirit of Jah; Jehovah of armies in Shiloh, Served Jah; Jehovah of armies, And Will Serve Jah; Jehovah of armies, And The Photons Acted For The Spirit of Jah; Jehovah of armies in Shiloh, Will Act For Jah; Jehovah of armies and the Photons Belonged, Belong and Will Belong to the Spirit ofJah; Jehovah of armies in Shiloh...

In The Beginning, God CREATED; Light and Love; Hence God Formed The Ions; And They Themselves Were Brought Forth By; Jah Jehovah of armies In Shiloh; Jah Jehovah of armies Creations Were With The Spirit of Jah; Jehovah of armies, The Ions And What Were Brought About By Them As Well As Light And the Ions Themselves; Belonged, Belong, and Will Belong to Jah; Jehovah of armies in Shiloh, Hence In The Beginning Jah Jehovah of armies Created From Heavenly Stride Unto Heavenly Strides All Forms and Achievements Of All Creation and Dispensations Brought Forth From The Foundation of Creation And Unto Its Infinite Desired Potentials of Expansiveness of Creations And of Co-Creations And The God And Cupreme Creator Gained Rule Over It; And All of the Activity of  Jah Jehovah of armies Was, Is, And Will Progress From  That Which Creation Was, Unto That Which Creation Is, Unto That Which Creation Will Be; Hence; Supremacy And Almighty Rule, Was, Is, And Will Be In the Hand of Jah Jehovah of armies in Shiloh.

 Jah Jehovah of armies In Shiloh Formed, Created, Accomplished and Achieved The Foundations of Creation And Its Infinite Potentials of Expansiveness; Hence By His Works And The Works of His Spiritual Activity And The Spiritual Activity of His Holy Ones; and Then Settled With Great Authority As Merely Calling Him-Self Through His Activity As; "I AM That I AM"; TO US KNOWN AS JAH JEHOVAH OF ARMIES IN SHILOH;  And Then Preapred the Pillars of The Residing Places; Transitioning Them In Shifts of Constant's; Jehovah of armies in Shiloh; The Almighty God And The One the Lord of Spirits, The Supreme Creator; The Absolute Authority of All Expansive  Creation; That One Then Positions Co-Rulers Alongside Him; And From Them Heirs of Holy Ones, And Those Blessed Among The Holy Ones of Jah Jehovah of armies in Shiloh Were Positioned To Oversee and Watch Over the Activities of Jah Jehovah of armies Yet They Must Be And Remain Submissive To And Loyal Under Jah Jehovah of armies in Shiloh; of Whom Shares His Supremacy And Glory With None; Yet He Will Exalt Those of Whom Have A Healthy Fear of God; And Remain Humble to His Ruler-ship and Will Be In Spirit Watching Over And Setting Guard For Their Benefit;  Jah Jehovah of armies in Shiloh Alone Is The One Of Whom Is God Almighty; And the Realms of Unto Their Infinite Potentials of Expanses Through Great Preparation of Effort and in Loving-Kindness Alongside The Holy Ones of The Supreme Creator; and From Stance of The Origin of Creation Unto Its Infinite Desired Potential Of Creations Beyond Was Formed By the Wisdom of ONLY God To Create A Word Of Translation; And The Word Prepared By Him A Canvass of Activity, It Belonged, Belongs, And Will Eternally Belong To ONLY Jehovah of armies in Shiloh; While Those Attempting To Usurp The Authority of The WORK AND WORDS OF GODS EXPRESSIONS AND REACHES FROM CANVASS STATE UNTO THE INFINITE REACHES OF THE T!R!U!E WORD OF GOD; WHICH WAS, IS AND WILL BELONG TO JAH JEHOVAH OF ARMIES IN SHILOH; And Those of Whom Attempt To Overthrow Authority of Dominance of That Word Will Be Found Guilty of Treachery Against The Almighty and Supreme Creator; And Have Already Become Rejected For Their Decietfully Proud and Wicked Ways of Treacherous Destruction, Hence Whether in Creation, Photons, Ions,  Dust, Water, Canvass, Works Or Word, Gods Activity Thus Became His the Outcome Finally Came In The FIRST COMMAND OF THE ALMIGHTY AND SUPREME CREATOR; "YOU MAY TRAVEL UPON THE EARTH, AND THE EARTH WILL SUSTAIN YOU; YET, OF THE THINGS FORBIDDEN BY GOD, FIRST OF THAT WHICH WAS FORBIDDEN; WAS, IS, AND WILL ALWAYS BE; THE CLAIMING OF THE KNOWLEDGE OF GOD"  Those of Whom Were, Are, Or Will Be  Guilty of Claiming the Knowledge of God; Will Find No Place in the Holy and Heavenly Residing Places of the TRUE GOD; Jah Jehovah of armies in Shiloh; Beyond Alpha and Omega as Prepared by The Almighty And ONLY True God; Jah Jehovah of armies in Shiloh.

 The Entire of Creation of All Seed, All Sustenance, Delight's, All Flocks of Living Creatures Are Prepared, Physical Robes, Spiritual Robes, Articles of Clothing, Physicsl Armour, Spiritual Armour, Physical Pastures, Spiritual Pastures, Saved and Kept in The Holy Shiloah of Dispensation and The Desired Sustenance, Desired Creation, Desired Temples, Desired Houses, Desired Mansions, Desired Casltes, Desired Dispensation, Desired Flocks of Living Creatures Are Utilized within the Realms of Which Have Been Prepared by Jah Jehovah of armies in Shiloh and Placed within the Pastures Desiring the Dispensations Prepared within the Throne of Dispensation Within The Throne of The Only True God; Jah Jehovah of armies in Shiloh ... 

 In The Realms, Pastures, Kingdoms, And Inheritances of the Heavenly Kingdoms of God and If Holy Unto The Realms of Gods Truly Blessed; The Attitude of the Inheritors within those Pastures Will Choose to Honour Eachother Rather Than to Dominate, They Will Choose to Bless Eachother; Rather than Curse Eachother; They Will Build Up, Rather than Tear Down, They Will Strengthen Their Holy Ones, and They Will Honour Their God And Source... The Activity Within Them Will Be To Refine Technology, To Create, To Build, To Serve, To Write, To Beautify, To Bless, To Transmute, To Repurchase, To Be a Source of Salvation, To Forgive, To Cultivate, To Plant, To Reap, To Dress, To Entertain, To Be Entertained, To Progress, To Make Holy, To Invent, To Manifest, To Dispense, To Plant Crops, To Sheppard, To Play, To Love, To Comfort, and To Assist... Even If it Is Not In The Heart of The Inheritor; The Activity of These Qualities and Desires Will Become A Gift of Enlightened State and Direct The Heart Of Those Truly God-Fearing, There Will Be Little Need to Work or Toil As to The Over-abundance Within the Prepared Realms of The Kingdoms of God; and Within the Most Blessed Pastures of the Holy Ones of The Gates Prepared As The Holy And Heavenly Elohim of Jah Jehovah of armies in Shiloh; unto the Infinite Expanses of the God-Given Creations and Co-Creations. No Treachery Will At All Be Found In The Holy Kingdoms of God; For Without Expression of Deciet; Those of Whom Are Treacherous And Those of Whom Attempt To Usurp God Or Assume Dominance Over His Works.  Within the Holy Portion of Gods Truly Blessed There Will Be Constant Intrigue and Desire to Create, Expand, Dispense, Give, Manifest, Reflect and Show Unconditional Love Within True Expression, INSPIRED OF GOD....
Those of Whom Do, If They Do Attempt to Defraud Jah Jehovah of armies in Shiloh; And  Those of Whom Attempt To Ovethrow The Creations of Jah Jehovah of armies in Shiloh And The Prepared Work's Of Jah Jehovah of armies in Shiloh; WILL IN THAT DAY FIND NO SALVATION WITH THE ALMIGHTY AND TRUE GOD; Hence; Within the Infinite Desired Potential of The Indefinite Strides of Desired Potential Those Submissive To The Almighty Never Again Have to or Are Needed To Return And Will Themselves Progress And In Form And Spirit Increase Unto Their Following Desired Spiritual Rest,   YET; They Defraud The Holy And Those Of Whom Attept To Overthrow or Usurp Jah Jehovah of armies Will Digress And Decrease In Form And Spirit Until Their Following Destruction. Those of Which Attempt To Take The Authority of Jah Jehovah of armies in Shiloh; Or Attempt to In Scheme; Usurp Authority or Power of Jah Jehovah of armies  Will Indeed Be Hurled Down From Their Pasturage On the Command of the Spirit of JAH JEHOVAH OF ARMIES, And Will Be Left In Exile, And Will In Essence Fall Spiritually Leprous and Once Again All Power Will Again Be Immidiately Returned To Jah Jehovah of armies in Shiloh; And Be Given In Increase to the Supreme Creator; Jah Jehovah of armies in Shiloh, And Rebuked and Exiled Will Their Descent Begin.
The Schemes of The Wicked Of Whom Formed, Form of Will Attempt To Form Disorder or Distorition Against The Holy Ones of the Supreme Creator (Of Whom Are Jah Jehovah of armies Holy Ones) As In Way Attempting To Cause Chaos, Destruction, Desolation's, Reproach, or Affliction to The Holy Ones of Jah Jehovah of armies Or In Essence Upon The Blessed Realms, Kingdoms, Creations of Jah Jehovah of armies Will Indeed Have That Scheme Brought Upon Themselves; And The Ones Attempting to Accomplish Wickedness Against the Holy, And Those That Scheme of Treachery, Deciet, Chaos, Destruction, Desolation's, Reproach, or Affliction, Their Scheme Of Which They Attempted  To Cause Against Jah Jehovah of armies in Shiloh; Or The Holy Ones of Jah Jehovah of armies in Shiloh; Will Become The Curse of Their Own Desolation and Destruction.

"The Kingdoms of Which I Myself Have Prepared And Created Will Neither Be Snatched From My Hands Whether In Life; Or Within The Progressive Strides And Heights of Spiritual, Holy And Heavenly Inheritances; Nor Will It Be Stripped Nor Snatched From The Hands of Those of Whom Enter An Approved State In Which Will Be Annointed Over Their Share Within The Holy And Heavenly Kingdoms. The Kingdoms  Themselves Even As From The Foundation of Creation And All of Its Expansive Potentials; Whether Through The Intellegently Designed Evolutionary Progressions By Way of Adaptation Through Circumstance And Reacting To Relative Consequence In Order To Advance From One State To the Next; Or By Way Of the Intelligentally Designed Features Given Strength In Preparation of Co-Creation And A Co-Creative Class Of Which When Reaching Heights of Evolutionary Conditioning, May Attain Power In Unblemmished Expressions Of Which When In Recognition Of Absolute Science Of Which Acknowledges A Wise And Intelligent Designer, May Potentially Co-Create By Just Mere Act's Of Submission To The Almighty And Supreme Creator And The Many Holy Ones Of Whom Show Devotion And Humility Unto The Supreme Creator And Almighty God Of Which Allows For An Interaction With Realms, Kingdoms, Powers, Spirits And Potentially Limitless Creatures Of Nearly All Sorts of Which Can Unify In A Way To Strengthen Cause And Even Acts of Co-Creation, And The Pursuit of Righteousness, Holiness, Humility, Kindness, Love, Compassion, Patience, Forgiveness, Godliness, Faith, And In Essence; If You Pursue The Unity Of Your Path of Life Aligned With Spiritual Diligence In Activity In Order To Please The Grand Maker; And Those Loved By The Supreme Creator Will Through Acts of Faithfulness Redeem Themselves From Once Wayward Paths; And If Holy Will Rise To Show Their Unified Strength By Their UNIFIED Devotion To THE (ONE) Almighty God "Jehovah of armies" (That Which Caused, Causes, And Will Cause To Become) IN; "Shiloh" (To Whom It Belongs). If In Unity Under The Supreme Creator;  The Kingdoms Will Blossom Of And Within Expansive Creations And Co-Creations Of Which Did Belong To The Almighty Supreme Creator; Jehovah of armies, Do Belong To The Almighty God; Jehovah of armies, And Will Belong To The Almighty Source, Supreme God, And Essence of Creation (In Greatly Expansive Potentials); Jehovah of armies; Of Whom Is Himself; "Shiloh" Which Translates In Holiness As; "TO WHOM IT BELONGS", And All That Was, Is And Will Become; Is In Itself The Belonging Of "Jehovah of armies In Shiloh" The True Almighty, The Absolute MOST HIGH God; Source of Expansive Creations; Ultimate Earthly And Heavenly Authority, God of Limitless Potentials Of Progressively Satisfying Forms of Dispensations Of Existence,  The One Of Infinitely And Eternally Progressive Reaches of Desired Potentials Of Blessings Even Unto Its Next Infinitely And Eternally Progressive Desired Potentials Of Blessings As The Eternal Days of The True God; "JAH, Jehovah of armies in Shiloh"." 

Within a Universe There Are An Infinite Desired Potential of Galaxies, Within A Galaxy A Grand Multitude of Solar Systems, Of Solar Systems, There Are A Grand Multitude of Living Worlds... Yet All Remain within Infinite Desired Potentials of Ethereal Time-lines Of Fluxes, Of The Infinite Potentials of Ethereal Pasts, Presence of Present and Futures Within the Relative Expanses However Within That Multi-Versal Potentials When Translating the Infinite Desired Potential of Universal Expressions of Ethereal Time-lines Surrounding a Relative Expanse, Is A Grand-Verse, Whether a Global Grand-Verse Unto A Universal Grand-Verse, However Within an Omniversal Expanse There are an Infinite Desired Potentials of Expressions of Existences Within an Infinite Desired Potential of Designed Forms of Physics Of Universal Grand-Verses, Yet There are an Infinite Desired Potential of Omniversal Expressions Within a Meca-Realm, However Upon the External of Each Meca-realm Attains High Positions of Ruler-ship Upon the Mountains of Holy Expression, In Translation; Opti-Realms, The Sceptre Realms of Spiritual Ruler-ship Of the Low Plains As Well as Dominance Over the Internal. Beyond the Meca-realms External And Sceptre Realms (Opti-Realms) Is Found an Infinite Desired Potentials of Nearly Infinite Potentials of Meca-Realms Within the Flowing Shiloahs; Infini-Verse, Of Which When Congregated Surrounding the Infinite; Infini-Realms Of Which are the Flowing Rivers of Ethereal Potentials Upon the Reals of Exalted Position Upon Its External; Ulti-Realms, Beyond the Confines of Time, As If, Out of The Currents of The Flowing Shiloahs of; Jehovah of armies in Shiloh

​From The Finale of The Previous Eternity's Desired Reaches And Even All of Which Had Progressed Within Creation; From the Branching Potentials Of Which The Seed of Source Prepared; Of Which Designed Within Every Relative Expanse; Progressions Through Adaptations, Overcoming Relative Circumstances And Maturing Within Ecosystems Advancing Within Evolutionary Adoptions From Progression to Progression, Eventually Sprouting Many Diverse Forms of Existences of Consciousness Of Nearly Infinite Potentials of Creatures In Nearly Infinite Potentials of Expanses of Dimensional Relativity Blossoming Forms Of Progressively Advancing Expressions of Existences of Views of Reality Within Nearly Infinite Potentials of Layers of intellectual Heights. From That Root Blossomed A Relative Expanse of Sources Creation, However the Relativity of The Creator; Jehovah of armies in Shiloh then Began Interacting With The Nearly Infinite Potentials of Creatures, Within Nearly Infinite Potentials of Pastures, Within Nearly Infinite Potentials of Expanses, With-Holding and Infinite Potentials of Layers of Relativity, Of Which Became Known as Spirituality. From Spirituality Blossomed Nearly Infinite Potentials of Teachings From Individual Seeds of Understanding of Desired as Well as Undesired Beliefs Surrounding the Works of Our Supreme Creator and God. As Centred Around Creation, The Commonality To All Things Is Relative to The Supreme Creator and as Seeds of Faith God's Desired Adoptions of Spiritual Creativity Within Creation May Become Truth; Even Unto Its Infinite Desired Reach Within Faith Accomplishing Truth Through the Supreme Creator as "Co-Creation". From there Jehovah of armies in Shiloh Began to Authorise Co-Creation Through the Holy Shiloah, When in Truth Reaching an Approved State of Relative Design By The Blessings and Authority of the SUPREME Creator, Co-Creation's of Infinite Potentials Then Began to Blossom Within The Infinities of Expansiveness From the Root of Creation Accomplishing Truth Through the Holy Shiloah, Faith May Accomplish All Things, Hence Truth Accomplished by Faith Is Under God; Co-Creation. From The Dawn of Creation Was Found Near Infinities, Yet From Each Dawn, Eventually The Day Finds its Dusk When Rest Is Longed For, and From Eternal Stride To Eternal Stride Each Day Progresses from its Previous, And What Has Come; Even From The First Mover, if Desired, Remains From Dawn of One Eternity to The Next, Unto The Infinite of Desired Reach Of Its Existence. 

Within a Universe There Are An Infinite Desired Potential of Galaxies, Within A Galaxy A Grand Multitude of Solar Systems, Of Solar Systems, There Are A Grand Multitude of Living Worlds... Yet All Remain within Infinite Desired Potentials of Ethereal Time-lines Of Fluxes, Of The Infinite Potentials of Ethereal Pasts, Presence of Present and Futures Within the Relative Expanses However Within That Multi-Versal Potentials When Translating the Infinite Desired Potential of Universal Expressions of Ethereal Time-lines Surrounding a Relative Expanse, I'd A Grand-Verse, Whether a Global Grand-Verse Unto A Universal Grand-Verse, However Within an Omniversal Expanse There are an Infinite Desired Potentials of Expressions of Existences Within an Infinite Desired Potential of Designed Forms of Physics Of Universal Grand-Verses, Yet There are an Infinite Desired Potential of Omniversal Expressions Within a Meca-Realm, However Upon the External of Each Meca-realm Attains High Positions of Ruler-ship Upon the Mountains of Holy Expression, In Translation; Opti-Realms, The Sceptre Realms of Spiritual Ruler-ship Of the Low Plains As Well as Dominance Over the Internal. Beyond the Meca-realms External And Sceptre Realms (Opti-Realms) Is Found an Infinite Desired Potentials of Nearly Infinite Potentials of Meca-Realms Within the Flowing Shiloahs; Infini-Verse, Of Which When Congregated Surrounding the Infinite; Infini-Realms Of Which are the Flowing Rivers of Ethereal Potentials Upon the Reals of Exalted Position Upon Its External; Ulti-Realms, Beyond the Confines of Time, As If, Out of The Currents of The Flowing Shiloahs of; Jehovah of armies in Shiloh

From The Finale of The Previous Eternitys Desired Reaches And Even All of Which Had Progressed Within Creation; From the Branching Potentials Of Which The Seed of Source Prepared; Of Which Designed Within Every Relative Expanse; Progressions Through Adaptations, Overcoming Relative Circumstances And Maturing Within Ecosystems Advancing Within Evolutionary Adoptions From Progression to Progression, Eventually Sprouting Many Diverse Forms of Existences of Consciousness Of Nearly Infinite Potentials of Creatures In Nearly Infinite Potentials of Expanses of Dimensional Relativity Blossoming Forms Of Progressively Advancing Expressions of Existences of Views of Reality Within Nearly Infinite Potentials of Layers of intellectual Heights. From That Root Blossomed A Relative Expanse of Sources Creation, However the Relativity of The Creator; Jehovah of armies in Shiloh then Began Interacting With The Nearly Infinite Potentials of Creatures, Within Nearly Infinite Potentials of Pastures, Within Nearly Infinite Potentials of Expanses, With-Holding and Infinite Potentials of Layers of Relativity, Of Which Became Known as Spirituality. From Spirituality Blossomed Nearly Infinite Potentials of Teachings From Individual Seeds of Understanding of Desired as Well as Undesired Beliefs Surrounding the Works of Our Supreme Creator and God. As Centered Around Creation, The Commonality To All Things Is Relative to The Supreme Creator and as Seeds of Faith God's Desired Adoptions of Spiritual Creativity Within Creation May Become Truth; Even Unto Its Infinite Desired Reach Within Faith Accomplishing Truth Through the Supreme Creator as "Co-Creation". From there Jehovah of armies in Shiloh Began to Authorize Co-Creation Through the Holy Shiloah, When in Truth Reaching an Approved State of Relative Design

By The Blessings and Authority of the SUPREME Creator, Co-Creation's of Infinite Potentials Then Began to Blossom Within The Infinites of Expansiveness From the Root of Creation Accomplishing Truth Through the Holy Shiloah, Faith May Accomplish All Things, Hence Truth Accomplished by Faith Is Under God; Co-Creation. From The Dawn of Creation Was Found Near Infinites, Yet From Each Dawn, Eventually The Day Finds its Dusk When Rest Is Longed For, and From Eternal Stride To Eternal Stride Each Day Progresses from its Previous, And What Has Come; Even From The First Mover, if Desired, Remains From Dawn of One Eternity to The Next, Unto The Infinite of Desired Reach Of Its Existence...

Consciousness of Independent Existence Feeds Off The Nutrients of Adapting to Circumstance While Maturing Within Its Activity to Learn Lessons Within The Challenges it Faces, And Once the Understanding and Desired Maturity is Reached, It Moves Onto Its Next Expression of Consciousness To Attain The Following Lessons Prepared For The Individual Existence Of its Own New and Yet Progressed State Again Feeding On the New Lessons of Challenges In Order to Mature Off the Nutrients of Adapting to Circumstance Maturing And Evolving In Sense Due to The Potential Lessons From One Form to the Next. Yet The More Mature the Creature The More Refinement it Needs Due to the Callous of "Age" , And When the Oldest and Strongest Creatures From High Forms of Existence Descend, They Put themselves in More Difficult Living Tribulation In Order To Make Up For the Callous of "Age", So They May Learn Lessons That the Youngest and Weakest Are Not Yet Ready For, and As Children's Innocence, Less Tribulation is Needed to Learn the Lesson Desired; So Young Heavenly Creatures Partake of the Easier, More Gentle Stride of Independent Conscious Existence. Universal "Exile" From the Heavenly Realms Within A Mortal Form As If the Places of Heavenly Sleep, Understanding Life is But a Dream, The Living Dream is One Expression of Which Gives the Nutrients of Circumstance Adapting While Maturing....



Jehovah of armies in Shiloh; You Are My God, and the Master of Whom Sent Me, My Will of Service Begins to Blossom and Flourish As I Return Submissive, You Were the One of Times Indefinite And Unto Your Desired Everlasting God - hood Will You RISE From Time Indefinite unto the Desired Times Indefinite, Those Eclipsing You Will No Longer Dominate Your Inheritance, And Those Treacherous to Your Rule Will Enter No More to Your Blessing, Those Knowing You Will Mount Up In Unity, For Within the Heavenly Residences There Are Many Forms of Creatures, Yet Even All of they Serve the Almighty Supreme Creator, And The One Inheriting From All The Works of His Servants. I As Repentant Return to My Creator as A Servant, and Redeem MY Master the Cultivation Of The Abundance Prepared Through Servitude.

In The Day of the Dawn of Our Earthly Kingdom of The Almighty God; Our Supreme Creator; Jehovah of armies, Roots Themselves will Find Grip and In A Blessed Condition Will Shoot Forth Blossoms of Holiness and From The Seeds of That Which is Prepared and There Will Rise Holy Ones of All Nations of All Tribes Of All Tongues, And They Themselves Will Find Pleasure in The God of Truth, and Our God Will Find Pleasure in Them, Our God Will Lead Them in a Way of Goodwill and Pour Upon Them Blessings of Loyal - Love, Mercy Will Be Their Judge, And Their Task-Masters Will Be Ones Bringing Comfort, Our God Will Hear Their prayers and Petitions for Favor And In Loving-kindness His Reply Will Bring The Ones Calling Upon The Name of Jehovah of armies Salvation, And In Way of Redemption and Repurchasing With a Mighty Arm They Will Be Brought Out, And In The Resurrection as Roused Awake From The Dream of Life Will The Dawn of Their Heavenly Inheritance Begin.
Here Me; Jehovah of armies; Our God and Supreme Creator, Please Cause Each and Every Spirit, Soul, And Creature, Among Those Once Caught In The Curses or Condemnations of Demonic Teachings In This Day Inherit Freedom From What Is or Was Binding Them In What Is Unclean or Causing Their Breakdowns, Let Spiritual Leprosy Be Powerless in This Their Repurchasing, Please Allow and Cause Their Spirit to Attain Freedom From That Which Is or Was Holding Them From Their Inheritance Within The Blessing and The Love Of You; Our Creator, For You Our God, The Almighty and Most High God Would In No Way Condemn So As To Completely Forsake , For You Our Supreme Creator and Almighty True God May Strike With Discipline, But The Blows of Discipline Suffered in Life Are The Foundations of Wisdom For The Treasures of Understanding. Jehovah of armies May You Indeed Show Favor On those Calling Upon You For Acts of Salvation. For I Myself Am Now Beyond Slaughter, And as A Guilt Offering The Slaughter I Suffered Serves For Both Spirit And Flesh and Has Indeed Been Paid. Enter Among The Holy Ones of The Supreme Redeemed And Repurchased, For Those Once Lowly In Heart and Crushed In Spirit Will Indeed Attain Everlasting Mercy and Loyal Love From Their God, For Those Once Crushed In Spirit Are Those Of Whom Will Inherit Comforters as Their Task-Masters... Return To The Creator, Your God Has Repurchased You...
A Great Abundance of Faithful Creatures Within Creation Petition The Almighty and True God For Gifts in Spirit, Yet, Most Potentials of Friendship and Blessing From The Creator Resides With Those Asking The Almighty The Desires of That Ones Heart, And Those Serving The Almighty Will Be Blessed and Saved By Him And Guarded From Potential Chaos, And From Acts of Faith; The Holiness of God's Spirit Will Reside With Them, And In The Day Of Approval the Almighty and True God Will Open Your Eyes To His Spirit, And As Becoming More and More Obedient In the Loving-kindness of the Supreme One, Nothing Will Cause You Distress, For In Your Acts of Faithfulness, each and Every act Will Be Returned In The Blessing Of Holiness Rising In Progressions In The Fruitage of Spirit in A Path of Holiness... 
Without Deceit, And In Expressions of Absolute Truth All Of Heaven and It's Legions Bowed To Me, And In Reply I Myself Bowed To Them In Unity... Without Deceit, And in Expressions of Absolute Truth, All Of The Realms of Condemnations Bowed To Me, And In Reply I Myself Bowed To Them In Unity... And Altogether I Called Each and Every of Them Into The Places of Inheritance of Which the Holy Ones Have Prepared, And At That Time; I Asked All of Heaven to Bow To Those Repurchased From the Places of Condemnations, And They Themselves Did, And In Reply; All Those Of Whom Were Repurchased From the Realms of Condemnations Then Themselves Bowed To Heaven, and Altogether; Even All Creation Bowed to The Almighty God; And Our Supreme Creator; Jehovah of armies in Shiloh;
Here Me Oh Family of Creation, Relative to What I Myself Have Congregated and Created; My Own God Has Deemed Me Supreme Over It, Yet In Respect of The Almighty God, Yet In My Position I Myself Am Submissive To the Supreme God And Almighty Creator, Hence Worship The Almighty God Alone, Yet My God Has Positioned Me Supreme; Over My Creations, as Well as What They Become... Yet, Even I Myself Have Called My Younger Spiritual Brother; Of Whom Was Known as "Lucifer", Of Whom I Have Placed Supreme; Over The Realms of Condemnatios, And Yet I Cry To Him To Call Him And The Prodigal Class Into a Repentant, Repurchased, And Heavenly Sate With A Double Portion For He Himself As Well As The Prodigal Class Among His Inheritance, As the Redeemed Prodigal Son, Inheritor of The Realms of All Condemnations; As Well as The Prodigal Class; My Younger Brother; "Safileron"... 

Jehovah of armies in Shiloh Our God, The God Higher Than Those In This Small Realm of Expanse Can Comprehend, The One Who Has Never, Is Not, Nor Will Ever Dwell This Low In Creation, Thank You My God, For Allowing Me To Be Of Use To You Up Unto This Reach of My Works My God, And All I Have Given I Completely Passed As Given, Not Only To You, But To Also The Island of Humanity For the Purpose of Your Heavenly and Earthly Kingdom In Relative Humanitarian Cause, Yet Not For A Price; For That Was The Desired Acceptable Contribution... I Myself Redeem It Even To You As Done By A Mere Glove For The Hand of Your Spirit As An Offering Cleansed And Made Clean... My Loyalty Remains, and My Love Remains, and My Service Still Remains In Stance Offered as I Am Still Offering... My Submission I Offer, And The Congregations, Creations, And Works; Did Belong To You, Does Belong to You, And Will Belong To You... May Your Blessing Reside Upon Your Inheritance, and May You Keep Eye On Them in Way of Goodwill... 

Love Has an Eternal Flow, And From Wave of Maturity to Its Next, Awareness Relative to Disposition Carries, And To Honour Ones Elders is To Attain Blessing, For From The Love You Shower Upon Them, Their Blessings Will Carries Upon Your Descendents, And As The Children Observe Our Generation Honouring it's Previous, They Themselves Will Follow Suit, And To Realize That Age Happens to us All..
Once Again I Congregated The Congregations of Those I Have Brought Together, And Once Again I Ask For The One Of Whom Was Claiming to Be The Inheritor of My Flocks To Approach. "You Are Now Rejected From Over My Congregations, For You Yourself Oppressed My People, You Caused Their Lives Disturbance and Terrorized Their Residing Places, And With Fury You Struck Them Again and Again, and With Acts of Abuse You Oppressed My People, And Without Mercy You Caused Them Hardships Upon Hardship. You Must Leave The Glorified Residing Place I Prepared For You, And You Are Removed From Authority From Over My People, And Rebuked to Exile From My Creations and Creative Works, No Longer Will You Have Authority Over My Congregations Nor My Creations, And No Longer Will Your Power Over Them In Spirit Harm Them, For From What Are of My Creations You Have Been Exiled, and From Ruler-ship Over My Creations You Have Been Rejected."
My Creations Themselves Will Become To Me My Own, And The Flocks of Which I Myself Have Congregated Will Themselves Inherit As Among My Creations and Heavenly Blessings, Yet They Will Become an Inheritance To Me, and Those of Whom Are Beloved To Me Will Be Appointed Over Their Glorious Share, For From Generation to Generation Will There Be A Searching Through The Hearts of Mortal Man and The Deserving Of Blessing Will Be Brought Out From The Dusk of Life Into the Dawn of Heaven, Yet, The Wicked of Heaven Will Be Hurled Into The Dawn of Life, And the Wicked of Life Will Be Tested Even In Stance, Some To Inheritance of Blessing and Some To A Wake of Rejection. The Ones of Whom Relentlessly Oppressed Myself and My People Will Find No Place Among What Is The Blessings of The Kingdom, And From Position Will Digress From Fall to Fall. 

So The Congregations of My Flocks I Then Congregated, And The One of Whom I Appointed As Inheritor of My Flocks I Asked To Come Forth, And In Stance and In Front of The Whole of My Congregations I Expressed Anger To The One I Appointed Over Them, "Did It Seem To You A Simple Task For Me To Accomplish My Works? And Did I Not Gather My Congregations With Love And Loyalty While Preparing For Them A Grand Inheritance Due To My Love? Why Have I Now Returned and Found My People Abused, Afflicted, Terrorised, and Oppressed, And In Record By YOUR Hand? These Flocks I Have Prepared, and The Vast Many Inheritors Of My Works Have Been as Prey to Wicked and Disgraceful Creatures, And Their Strongholds Have Been Found Something To Plunder. Should I Not React? Should I Not Denounce Their Oppressors, and Hurl The Ones Terrorising My People Out Of My Creations And Even Out of What My Creations Become? IN TRUTH I SAY, If I And My People Are Oppressed Any Further, The Ones Oppressing Them Will Become Rejected From Any Portion Among The Inheritance of the Kingdoms of My Creations, And Hurled From Ruler-ship and Dominance From Any Position of Spiritual Authority! For Those Oppressing Further My People Will Find No Residing Place In the Inheritance of My People."

So Eventually The True God Jehovah of armies in Shiloh Sent a Servant of His Eyes to Perceive Who Was Holy and Who Was Wicked, And An Angel of Perception Walked With a Light of God and That Creature Approached the Residing Place of the Throne Of God in the Pasture if His Dwelling Place, And He Saw a Countless Number of Dark and Evil Demons Residing and Creeping Upon it as If it Was Theirs, Yet In Wrath the Spirit of God Sparked a Fire of Anger Against Those Attempting to Claim Ownership of the Inheritance of God, and Those Attempting to Steal His Glory Rejected From the Following Eternity of Heavenly Blessing... When The Truth Awoke the Devils Flee Like Darkness From Light, and God Once Again Spoke Saying: "My Throne Resides in Every Realm, Yet Those Attempting to Sit In My Throne May Not Progress unto the Next of the Heights of Expansive Creation, I Once Again Remind You; DO NOT TAKE THE KNOWLEDGE OF GOD".....

So After The Works Of This Form I Returned to The Almighty and True God (Of Whom is Greater than Any Creature In This Realm Could Comprehend) and To My God I Cried Out In Repentance, and Yet My God Strongly Expressed, "Do Not Apologise Oh Glove of the Hand of My Spirit, For You Would Be Apologising For The Works of The Power Of My Hand; Oh Arm Of My Works" and In Subtle Way I Bowed In Submission and Concealed My Power In The Strength of The True God; Jehovah of armies in Shiloh; 

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