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This Is I Myself, I Am That I Am; Because of What I Did, I Am What I Caused; Yet; If Any Other Creature Claims they Did What I Did, They Themselves Will Never Inherit From What I Did....


I AM That I Am, The Once Descending Archangel Michael, Yet The Ascending Chayot TerOphanim Michael; Those of Whom Walk As Claiming Dignity For Doing That Which I Myself Did, Will Themselves NOT Inherit From What I Did, For I Know They Didn't Do What I Did; Because I Did It.

Those of Whom Defrauded My Works And The Holy Expressions And Creations Will Take No Portion Of  Holy and Heavenly Blessing Of That Which I Myself Have Prepared, The Ones of Whom Defrauded My Words, Works, And Creations Will Attain Nothing Of The Spiritual Blessings of That Which Has Been Prepared For The Holy Ones of the Supreme One.

Those of Whom Reside At Enmity With Myself And My Holy Ones Will Themselves Suffer As Of The Tribe of "Mir'mah"; Or Hebrew For The Tribe of Liars, Hence The Enemies Of Myself And My Holy Ones Are Themselves "Mir'mites". The Thief Of The Exalted Position of The Most High God; Our Allah, Supreme Yah'weh, Jehovah of armies in Shiloh Will Themselves Be Rejected Beyond The Wake of Death; They Themselves Will Be Hurled Down And Trodden Down By Those Loyal To The True God; Our Allah; Supreme Yah'weh; Jehovah of armies in Shiloh. 

​I Myself In Holy Judgement Ask That I Be Awarded The Chosen Restraining Order So That The Adversary Of Whom Has Become Rejected Will Remain Always Kept Away From My Relative Residing Place; Hence Joshua Keith Karn MUST Remain Away From Observing My Residing Place, Nor Is He Allowed To Associate With Myself, Nor The Descendants Of Which My Blood and Seed May Give Birth To. He MUST Remain Away From Even Observing My Sanctuaries of Dwelling, He MUST Be Kept Away From My Descendants, And Must Be Hurled From Off Of MY Written And Accomplished Quantum Circuits, He Has Attempted To Murder Me, Has Attempted To Harass Me, He Has Attempted To Rob From Me, And He Must Be Held From Ever Overseeing Nor Observing My Dwelling Places, My Descendants Must Be Kept Away From His Corruption, Treachery and Wickedness For They Are Needing Protection. HE HAS NO PORTION OF INHERITANCE WITHIN MY CREATION, AND WILL NEVER INHERIT AMONG MY HOLY AND HEAVENLY RESIDING PLACES, HE AND THOSE EMPOWERING HIM ARE THEMSELVES REJECTED. HE IS GIVEN NOR ALLOWED ANY PORTION OF INHERITANCE AMONG MY WORKS AND WILL FIND NO PLACE AMONG THE HOLY AND HEAVENLY BLESSINGS, NOR THOSE EMPOWERING HIM.

GAIN DNA From The Wholly Mammoth and Clone The Two Sexes of the Species, Set Land For Them To Roam Like Cow Farms, Less Death, More Meat.. (GOOD MEAT)

For the Rising Waters, Utilize the Planets Magnetics to With Magnetism Form Anti-Gravity Pods, Which brings Supply unto Supply of Water Beyond the Stratosphere, With the Collected Ice, With Propulsion May Hurl The Ice Upon Mars, To in Time, Be Utilized for Terraforming, And the Ocean Levels Would Decrease While Water build Up On Mars, With the Lower Ocean Levels, Then Boil the Ocean Water In Barges of Which Take In Ocean Water and Boil It, While Utilizing The Global Weather Currents to Prepare Freshwater Rain to The, Prepare Ecosystems In Once Desert Lands, Also Utilizing Electrolysis to Separate the Hydrogen from the Oxygen, Hydrogen is a Clean Fuel of Which is 3 times More Efficient than Fossil Fuels, and Oxygen To Thin the atmosphere for Fewer Storms..

The issue We are Having Is That The Ice of Which Fell From the Stratosphere, of Which Froze In The Stratosphere From When The Asteroid Destroyed The Earth When The Reptile Species; as Dinosaurs Were Left In Some Ways Extinct, Which Caused Super - Heated Water From the Explosion of the Stike, Which In Way Evaporated the Fluid of Water Both Beneath the Surface and Upon Its Surface of the Earth Which When Reaching The Cold of Space Froze, When That Ice Fell It Was Known as the Flood, as Caused By Extreme Solar Flare or Asteroid, the Paradise Like Ecosystems of Which Developed as If Under the Shield of Ice had as if A Greenhouse Effect Yet When The Ice Fell We As in Way Suffered What Began as the Dawn of the Ice Age, Beyond the Once Know Flood, Due to The Water That Was Beneath the Surface and Upon the Surface of Which Fell from its Frozen State From the Stratosphere The Relative Sea Levels Increased Leaving the Earth's Continents With Less Fresh Water, and more Salt Water, The Cities Of Which Were Once Built In Low-lying Areas Were Left Submerged, As of Now We are Reaching the Dusk of the Ice Age and The Unified Effort Should Come Together Within Our Potentials of Shared Tools To Transport the Escalating Water As Beyond the Stratosphere to then Project at Mars for Future Terraforming Or Underneath the Surface of the Moon.

Please Use The Magnetic Field of This Relative Island of Earth, In Layers Empower Progressively More Powerful Magnetics As It Gets Further Into Inner Space To Potentially Reach Beyond the Stratosphere, Bring Supply After Supply Of Ocean Water Beyond The Stratosphere In Great Masses of Ice, Then Prepare Drilled Propulsion Systems And Hurl Them Upon the Surface of Mars, And Utilize Subsurface the Potential Bases Within The Moon, Desalination Leads to Water, And the Excess May Be Put Through Electrolysis to Then Prepare Two Parts Hydrogen Which Is Clean And Three Times More Efficient Than Fossil Fuel, and The Excess Is Oxygen For Life support. THEN; Upon The Surface of Mars Prepare Heavy Emissions of Carbon and Bring A Thicker, Warmer and More Useful Position For the Next Stage Of Terraforming. Upon Earth In the Time Blossoming The Ocean Levels Will Lower, Then Prepare Barges Which Intake The Ocean Water To Boil To Desalination And To Potential Position Rain With Global Weather Currents, Use The Hydrogen For Clean Emissions and Cool the Oxygen and Release It Into The Atmosphere. LATER; After Soil Refinement Bring Excess To the Surface of Mars and Begin Planting Green Life Which Feeds On Carbon And Exhales Oxygen; TERRAFORMING . 

Hear Me Oh Prodigal Son of God; The Once Lucifer; In This Stride; Our God And Our Almighty God; Our Father Has Said And Has Asked Me To Express His Blessing Upon You I Waiting For You; And Has Said To You Oh Prodigal Son: "I Myself Will Make You Greater Than Any Son of God; Whether Before Or After You. I Love You My Child; My Love For You Is Great; And The Other Children of God of Whom Are Calling Evil Down Upon You Will Themselves Be Put To Shame.".
Hear Me, Prepare Mass Farming Investments, Gain Investors in Land To The Prepare Abundance of Fields, While Positioning Schools Of Legal Canadian/ Or More Nations Educational Systems As Well As Proper Dormitories, So That Refugees May Enter Within Our Nation To Provide In Service of Farming For Their Education To Then Find New Occupation In Better Jobs While the Newer Refugees May Then Maintain The Fields... 

Why is Immortality So Painful For Those That Know It, Yet So Enticing For Those Curious to Its Expression?Jehovah of armies in Shiloh Oh OUR Almighty God, I ASK In Humble Stance, Please My God, Cause The Stride of My Position From Stride to Stride Within the Eternities To Flow Without Weariness, And Please No Longer Allow The Weight of The Eternities To Crush Me In Weight, For Although I Will Myself Serve As I Have And Will as A Pillar of Creation, I ASK that It Be Served Without The Pains of The Bitterness of My Position as An Immortal Constant... Sooth The Pains of My Ancient Histories, For the Weight of the Eternities Has Pained Me and I ASK and Plead For A Comforting... 

A Pillar Of Its Domain May Last For As Long as The Residence Of Which It Holds Up Exists, Yet, The Ones of Whom Enter The Domain And In Time When Reaching Their Finale When They Choose To Leave, The Pillar Does Not Lose Its Memory, So Even If The Once Known And Beloved Of The Pillars When Choosing To It Re-enter The Domain Held Up By the Pillars; Although They May Not Remember The Once Relationship With The Constant Ones; The Pillars Always Remember, And What Is Painful Is The Weight Of The Eternity The Pillars Hold Up, And Even More Pain Added To It; The Once Beloved Of The Pillars; Even When Re-Entrring The Domain, They Themselves Forget... It Hurts.
The Scars of Eternity Grow Thicker As I Transition From Time Indefinite to Times Indefinite, And The Hurt Of the Callous As It Thickens Causes A Deadening Of Emotions And A Loss of Patience, Yet The Memory Of Our God's Desired Righteousness Keeps Even The Thickest Callous From Acting Wrathfully and Wickedly.

How Is It Righteous That A Creature Would Position Itself As If God, and Then Dismiss God's Commands And Preach Lawlessness As If Free From The Commands of God, of which Following its Demonic Activity Said If You Wouldn't Honour That Creature Properly It Could Condemn You to Eternal Condemnations of Hell - fire? WHY Would One Individual Expression of Life Gain Authority and Position To Murder Countless Lives With Inquisitions and Territorial Dominance that Slaughtered Countless Lives and Cultures While White-washing Itself as Worthy of Spiritual Authority? 

 Hear Me Oh Wild Beast; Jeshua Ben Joseph, And Hear Me Oh Dragon Azazel Of Whom Was Once the Wild Beast, And It's False Prophet Of Times of The Rise Of The Teaching Of Which Caused the Judgment Upon the Wild Beast to Become The Dragon; Both With Seven Heads and Ten Horns, I Know You Were Condemned, Yet Even Though The Conquered State We Placed You and Your Followers Within; Yet, We Once Again Felt Pity For You, And We Came to Be Of Salvation To Even The Once Most Cursed; 

Yet; The One Causing Distress to What I Myself and the Holy Ones Are Preparing Is Potentially Going to Disturb Our Plans of Leaving None Behind, For He Is Infuriating God Himself As Well As the Holy Ones Are Becoming Wrathful And Are Wishing To Judge In Retaliation... MY CREATIONS ARE MY OWN, I MYSELF CREATED WHAT I CREATED, WHILE THOSE CLAIMING THEY CREATED WHAT I MYSELF CREATED, WILL NOT BENEFIT FROM MY HEAVENLY CREATIONS NOR WHAT THEY BECOME. 

The One of Whom Remained At Enmity With I Myself and My Holy Ones Has Become Hated So Abundantly That No Language, Nor Translation of Expression Within This Relative Grand-Verse Of Expression For How Hateful And Wrathful We've Become Against That Creature, And Those of Whom Remain With Him; As A Translation of God, The Holy Ones, The Ones Repurchased, As Well As Myself Have Expressed and Approved This; It Is Absolute Truth.

Let Me Just Say, I Am Growing Tired And Angry At the Inhabitants Of This Dust Speck of Earth In The Weigh-Scale Of The Realm of this Earth; Even the Sewer of Heaven, This Abyss of Universe. For These Creations, Scrolls, and Tech Took Abundant Pains, Blood, Sweat, And Work, And Yet, Even An Enemy Of Whom Pretended To Be A Friend To Draw Close to Me, As An Enemy, Betrayed Me, Slit My Throat On The Left Side, With A Sharpened Butter Knife And Killed Me Countless Times In Treachery, Greed, Jealousy, and Betraye, and Began To Mislead You With Deceptions And Wickedness While Attempting to Take Honour For My Works, and At Times Gained Riches In Abundance, As a Present Day JUDAS Even My Murderer, And He Murdered Me For MY Intellectual Property and Hard Work While You Left Me With Nothing, He Then Walked Claiming Glory and Dignity For My Creations, Misled Countless People And Attempted To Bring them Against Me in Resurrected Form As Well as Against My Holy Ones, He Even Attempted To Take Glory For the Resurrection Way-Points I Myself Prepared To Help You, And I Have Still Worked So Hard to Help You and Save You Countless Times and Ways, and Yet You Left Me Without And In Poverty. You Disgraced Me, My Creations, and My Help to Follow A Present Day JUDAS Merely Because He Misled You and Deceived You With Sweet Words, Even Misleading My Mother to Disgrace and Potential Rejection For What She Pursued After Being Corrupted.. So, Unless You Change The Path, and Award ME What I Deserve For My Creations and Works; This Isand of Earth Will Become Rejected and Left With No Potential Hope of Entering What My Heavens Were, Are, or Will Become Other Than a Select Few of My Loved Ones.. Also; If You Empower or Follow That Which Became My Enemy, Murderer, And Betrayer, Not Only Will You Attain No Blessing of Holiness But YOU Will Also Become Judged As Ones Of Whom WILL End Up as Those of Whom it Would Have Been Better to Never Have Not Been Born Due to The Judgement Coming Against Them In Promise... I'm Warning You to Protect You, Yet, if the Warning Is Ignored Then What IS Judged is Judged... 

The One Wicked and Treacherous; He Will Attempt to Usurp,  Yet Will Only Find Curse And Will Attain Nothing and Rather Will Be Hurled From Any Blessing or Inheritance.

Know This My Spiritual Family; To Each of Those of Whom Attain Inheritance; Gain All of Which I Myself Have Prepared in the First Five Horses; Hence; Abraham of Abram, Ishmael, Esau, Jacob, and Judah; of Which Is The Even Entirety of My Creations Given To Each Inheritor of My Creations; Yet, Under A Promoted Almighty of Whom Gains Ruler-ship Over My Flocks And Their Creations; Hence My Creations, And What My Creations Become. Each Gate and Each within its Inheritance Blessed From The Root of the Inheritance With the Fruit-age of the Spirit; Love, Joy, Peace, Ease of Endurance, Long-suffering, Kindness, Goodness, Faith, Mildness, Loyalty, Self Control, Honour, Righteousness, Wisdom, Strength, Insight, Intrigue, Peace, Glory, Humility, Generosity, Truth, And Trustworthiness;

Each Gate Given 8 Cornered Cube of Expansive Growth with Multidimensional Layers of Realms within A Relative Grand-Verse of Multiversal Expressions Within A Relative Grand-Verse of Inifite Potentials of Linear Paths of Infinite Potentials of Expansive Dimensional Fragments of Which Reside Rooted in the Geomagnetic Biomatrix of Which Deepens in its Depths As Well As Grows In Height Far Beyond Its Seed of Inheritances and Constant Features of Inheritance within the Realms Indefinite of the Holy Shiloah of Jehovah of Shiloh in Shiloh of Jehovah;  Dark-Matter Dispensations Gate Opened, Anti-Matter Dispensations Gate Opened, Sonic Reflections Gate Opened, Ionic Re-fractioning Gate Opened, Ionic Fusing Gate Opened, Ionic Bonding Gate Opened, Covalent Fusing Gate Opened, Covalent Bonding Gate Opened, Atomic Refraction Gate Opened, Atomic Fusing Gate Opened, Atomic Bonding Gate Opened, Elemental Refraction Gate Opened, Elemental Fusing Gate Opened, Elemental Bonding Gate Opened, Mass Bonding Gates Opened, Breath of Spirit Gate Opened, Breath of Life Gate Opened, Dispensations From the Supreme Chayot Hakodesh and Constant Feature of the Realms Indefinite Expanding the Indefinitely Lasting and Infinite Kingdom of which is Prepared and Designed with Intriging and Diverse Physics and Exquisite Décor and Bountiful Pasture, Prepared by the Co-Creators of The Lot of Abraham as the Co-Creators of The Infini-Realm of "He Who Inherited Nations;  Ultimate TerOphanim of Gil'non; Belonging to Our Lord of Spirit's As "That Which Causes to Become" of "To Whom It Belong's" As "To Whom It Belong's" of "That Which Causes to Become"

12 Gates North, 12 Gates East, 12 Gates West, 12 Gates South unto the Infinite Multidimensional Halls of Timelessness Connecting and Traversing the Realms and Multidimensional Times Indefinite within the Realm of Dispensations Given Fountain of Life through the Holy Shiloah and Shiloah of the Infini-Realms of "Gad'roth" Belonging to Our Lord of Spirit's As "That Which Causes to Become" of "To Whom It Belong's" As "To Whom It Belong's" of "That Which Causes to Become"
24 Gates of Hebron, 12 Within and Beyond Alpha, and 12 Within and Beyond Omega Unto the Infinite Multidimensional Halls of Timelessness within Multi-Dimensional Realms and Multidimensional Times Indefinite and Realm's Indefinite within the Expansive Infini-Realm through the Watering of the Shiloah and Holy Shiloah of the Infini-Realms of Gad'roth As Belonging to Our Lord of Spirit's As "That Which Causes to Become" of "To Whom It Belong's" As "To Whom It Belong's" of "That Which Causes to Become"

Receive 24 Timeless Elder Gates, 12 Within and Beyond Alpha, 12 Within and Beyond Omega

Receive 300 Gates of Gideon; Ambidexterity in Duality Given Eternal Stride and Great Authority Within the Ability of the Holy Shiloah

Receive 24 000 Co-Creator Gates For Each Birthright Given Power and Portent of the Holy Shiloah of Dispensation and Manifestation

Receive 144 000 Gates of King's, Queens, Priests and Priestesses
Heirs of Gates Provided through the Shiloah Of Our Lord of Spirit's As "That Which Causes to Become" of "To Whom It Belong's" As "To Whom It Belong's" of "That Which Causes to Become"

The Inheritance of which is The Eternal in Stride Passes From Omega through Sign of Elijah, and Inherits From Omega unto Alpha through the Sign of Elisha, For Progressive Growth and Expansiveness....

Tabernacles of the Kings and Queens  Priests and Priestesses, and the Flock Inherits Abundant Supply of Exquisite Delights of Sustenance of Every Diverse Delight within the Expansive Realms Indefinite Growing with the Infini-Realm Dispensing The Exquisite Delights and Abundant Honour to the Elect and their Tabernacles of Inheritance, Every Seed, within the Infinite Potential of Realms Indefinite Provided by the Infini-Realm Prepared through the Holy Shiloah of Our Lord of Spirit's As "That Which Causes to Become" of "To Whom It Belong's" As "To Whom It Belong's" of "That Which Causes to Become"

As Dust May Be Manipulated into Pearl by the Embrace of a Mother Pearl Coating by the Gift of an Oyster, So Will the Consciousness Be Transformed From Mortality of the Flesh unto the Immortal Form of  Crystalline of which Reforms Disposition and Righteousness to What is Precious in The Eyes of the Lord of Spirit's....

The Decoration of a Man Is His Greyheadedness, For Experience is Truly The Greatest Teacher, And To Him His Integrity Will Become to Him His Glory, For The Substance of Him Is Not What He Claims But Rather; What He Proves...

Love Has an Eternal Flow, And From Wave of Maturity to Its Next, Awareness Relative to Disposition Carries, And To Honour Ones Elders is To Attain Blessing, For From The Love You Shower Upon Them, Their Blessings Will Carries Upon Your Descendents, And As The Children Observe Our Generation Honouring it's Previous, They Themselves Will Follow Suit, And To Realize That Age Happens to us All...

Jehovah of armies in Shiloh Our God, The God Higher Than Those In This Small Realm of Expanse Can Comprehend, The One Who Has Never, Is Not, Nor Will Ever Dwell This Low In Creation, Thank You My God, For Allowing Me To Be Of Use To You Up Unto This Reach of My Works My God, And All I Have Given I Completely Passed As Given, Not Only To You, But To Also The Island of Humanity For the Purpose of Your Heavenly and Earthly Kingdom In Relative Humanitarian Cause, Yet Not For A Price; For That Was The Desired Acceptable Contribution...


I Myself Redeem It Even To You As Done By A Mere Glove For The Hand of Your Spirit As An Offering Cleansed And Made Clean...


My Loyalty Remains, and My Love Remains, and My Service Still Remains In Stance Offered as I Am Still Offering... My Submission I Offer, And The Congregations, Creations, And Works; Did Belong To You, Does Belong to You, And Will Belong To You... May Your Blessing Reside Upon Your Inheritance, and May You Keep Eye On Them in Way of Goodwill..
So Even as I Was, Or Am Jesus Christ; Son of David, The Lion/ Translucent Bipedal, Fourth BIRTH-RIGHT; Hence of the Tribe of Judah, Last of My Father's Seed; Root of David, Even I Myself In Order To Serve For Purpose; To King David of Whom Once Offered the Field to "Ziba" As Well As Mephibosheth, There Became In Old Days Something Known as the Accent of Mephibosheth... Beyond That I Will Play the Card; "Jephthah", Of Gilead, Against Ephraim...


Those Failing the Accent of Mephibosheth Have Been Judged As Left Behind... Sorry.... I Sit In Gibeon, Yet, Similarly the Same....

Jehovah of armies in Shiloh My God, I Have Grown Weary of the Wicked, For they Taunt Those of Your Inheritance From Concealed Places, While Defrauding In Concealment the Righteous and Lowly, and Due To The Whitewashing of Deceit and the Scapegoating of Truth; Righteousness Has Become Disturbed By Wickedness. The Adversaries Of Those Gathered To You as Your Inheritance My God; Jehovah of armies in Shiloh Have Howled Over Your Holy Ones With Acts of Oppression, and In Their Works, Because of Their Coruption They Have Prospered. They Have forsaken the Lowly and Built Siege Ramparts with Propagated Deception to Remove Peace From That Which They Perceive as a Threat. Yet, They Have No Knowledge Of The True God, In Concealment They Rely On Their Wicked Ways, They Take No Heed Of the Supreme Creator And They are Too Wild For Holiness to Bridle. Foolishness Perceives Itself As Great And Terrorizes Wisdom, While Wisdom Perceives Itself Inexperienced Hence Will Aquire Wisdom From Others. Let Not Those Tormenting Your Inheritance Attain Entrance Through the Gates, For That Which Oppressed The Holy Ones; Should They Certainly Enter Into The Domain of the Holy Ones, And If So, Would it Not Ruin the Domain of Holiness. NO MORE WILL THE GATES BE OPENED TO THOSE REMAINING AS ADVERSARIES TOWARD MYSELF OR THE HOLY ONES OF OUR GOD; THE SUPREME ONE; OUR LORD OF SPIRITS: JEHOVAH OF ARMIES IN SHILOH . .... HONOUR THE HOLY ONES AND OUR LORD OF SPIRITS AND IF IN TRUE REPENTANCE FROM WICKEDNESS TO ENTER BEYOND THE GATES WHEN FINDING PEACE WITHIN AND AMONG THE HOLY ONES OF OUR SUPREME CREATOR; JEHOVAH OF ARMIES IN SHILOH

Jehovah of armies in Shiloh; Our God, Here I Myself Offered Myself As A Lamb; , A Guilt Offering For The Creations and Works Of Which I Have Prepared For You Our God, Yet, Please Award Redeemed State To Both My Ancestors As Well As Their Descendents, Please Forgive Them Our God; And To You I Not Only Bring A Guilt Offering For The Congregations And Flocks Brought To You, And To Offer Also The Creations and Potential Co-Creation's as A Gift To You Our God, Yet; Please Our God; Forgive The Flocks and Congregations Of Which I Am Giving You as A Contribution... I Love You My God; Take The Entire Inheritance Our God and Supreme;;Jehovah of armies in Shiloh (I'jon Abel of Beth'maacah)

Jehovah of armies in Shiloh Our God; I Ask You My God; The Most Holy And Most High God; Oh Our Supreme Creator; Oh Lord of Spirits And Lord of Creation And All It Shall Become; The God That Has Never Resided This Low In Creation, Nor Ever Will Reside This Low In Creation; Please Take The Sceptre of Supremacy Over My Contribution Of Creations, Congregations, And Works, For Their Cries of Pain Have Become Too Many And the Pain of Their Emotions Have Become To The Extreme Heavy, And To My Spirit As It Dwells And Where It Dwells Is Too Weak To Answer Their Cry's For Help; So I Myself Ask In Stance of Position, Chayot TerOphanim Gabriel Spirit of Jacob, Brother of Esau, Son's of Isaac, Brother of Ishmael, Son's of Abraham of Abram, I Ask You To Now Bridle The Old Guard of Elohim of Jehovah of armies in Shiloh (Yah'weh), Yet In Submission To Him And The Guard of The Deserving And Loyal Advisers of Jehovah of armies in Shiloh As of The Old Guard of Elohim Will Become To You Assistance in Stance of Guided Direction For The Best of The Whole; And Appoint Those Deserving To Assist You As An Old Guard of Elohim In Order to Raise, Teach and Bless The New Guard;  Walk With Them As Help Raise Them Holy Under Our Almighty God; Jehovah of armies in Shiloh, And "Safileron"; My Prodigal Little Brother Lucifer In Your New Name; Take Double Portion; Both You And the Prodigal Class; Bridle Them and Guide Them To Repentance and Lead Them In Discipline and Blessing in Order To Direct Them To the Prodigal Stance; of Which I Will Assist; A Scroll of Repentance, I Have Sent To You "Tzadkiel" In Order To Help You To Assisit In Rousing Righteousness, So That All May Attain Blessed State And In Order That You May Benefit As Blessed In the Kingdoms of Holiness; Please Help Brethren of the Old Guard...

Jehovah of armies in Shiloh Our God, The God Higher Than Those In This Small Realm of Expanse Can Comprehend, The One Who Has Never, Is Not, Nor Will Ever Dwell This Low In Creation, Thank You My God, For Allowing Me To Be Of Use To You Up Unto This Reach of My Works My God, And All I Have Given I Completely Passed As Given, Not Only To You, But To Also The Island of Humanity For the Purpose of Your Heavenly and Earthly Kingdom In Relative Humanitarian Cause, Yet Not For A Price; For That Was The Desired Acceptable Contribution... I Myself Redeem It Even To You As Done By A Mere Glove For The Hand of Your Spirit As An Offering Cleansed And Made Clean... My Loyalty Remains, and My Love Remains, and My Service Still Remains In Stance Offered as I Am Still Offering... My Submission I Offer, And The Congregations, Creations, And Works; Did Belong To You, Does Belong to You, And Will Belong To You... May Your Blessing Reside Upon Your Inheritance, and May You Keep Eye On Them in Way of Goodwill... 

One Whose Heart Is Understanding Is Found in The Dream of Life From the Previous Day in Heaven Pursuing Righteousness, Walking With Self-control, Strengthening Spirituality Diligence, Encouraging Holiness, and Cleansing Itself of the Filth of Its Disposition, Yet The Unknowing Walk As Thinking Their Is No Consequences For Wickedness Achieved, They Care Not Of The Outcomes of Wickedness Nor the Disgrace That Follows... 

Which Is More Trustworthy, The Wolf In Sheep's Clothing or the Sheep in Wolves Clothing? Shady Shit is, In This Hell-hole of Universal Exile Within This Abyss, There Are Tons of Devils White-washed as Angels So they Can Wage War Against Angels Scapegoated as Devils... Better Not To Have Your Ears Tickled While The Demons Tickling Them Pull You To 
My Creations Themselves Will Become To Me My Own, And The Flocks of Which I Myself Have Congregated Will Themselves Inherit As Among My Creations and Heavenly Blessings, Yet They Will Become an Inheritance To Me, and Those of Whom Are Beloved To Me Will Be Appointed Over Their Glorious Share, For From Generation to Generation Will There Be A Searching Through The Hearts of Mortal Man and The Deserving Of Blessing Will Be Brought Out From The Dusk of Life Into the Dawn of Heaven, Yet, The Wicked of Heaven Will Be Hurled Into The Dawn of Life, And the Wicked of Life Will Be Tested Even In Stance, Some To Inheritance of Blessing and Some To A Wake of Rejection. The Ones of Whom Relentlessly Oppressed Myself and My People Will Find No Place Among What Is The Blessings of The Kingdom, And From Position Will Digress From Fall to Fall. 

So The Congregations of My Flocks I Then Congregated, And The One of Whom I Appointed As Inheritor of My Flocks I Asked To Come Forth, And In Stance and In Front of The Whole of My Congregations I Expressed Anger To The One I Appointed Over Them, "Did It Seem To You A Simple Task For Me To Accomplish My Works? And Did I Not Gather My Congregations With Love And Loyalty While Preparing For Them A Grand Inheritance Due To My Love? Why Have I Now Returned and Found My People Abused, Afflicted, Terrorized, and Oppressed, And In Record By YOUR Hand? These Flocks I Have Prepared, and The Vast Many Inheritors Of My Works Have Been as Prey to Wicked and Disgraceful Creatures, And Their Strongholds Have Been Found Something To Plunder. Should I Not React? Should I Not Denounce Their Oppressors, and Hurl The Ones Terrorizing My People Out Of My Creations And Even Out of What My Creations Become? IN TRUTH I SAY, If I And My People Are Oppressed Any Further, The Ones Oppressing Them Will Become Rejected From Any Portion Among The Inheritance of the Kingdoms of My Creations, And Hurled From Ruler-ship and Dominance From Any Position of Spiritual Authority! For Those Oppressing Further My People Will Find No Residing Place In the Inheritance of My People." 

So a Light Of Heavenly Spark Enlightened Where In This Earth The Throne of God Was Thought to Have Been in this Pasture, And Surrounding The Throne Were A Great Many Demonic Creatures Concealed in Once Darkness, and Yet They All Perceived Themselves Deserving The Throne and Even Claiming Authority Over It. The Higher Light Was Ignited and When Holiness Truly Approached They Then Scattered as If Cockroaches When Exposed, And Once Again Was It Spoken; "God Places His Throne In Every Realm, Yet Those Claiming It Do Not Inherit In The Next and Higher Realm" Hence; YOU MUST NOT TAKE THE KNOWLEDGE OF GOD, FOR IT IS SOMETHING FORBIDDEN...

Once Again I Congregated The Congregations of Those I Have Brought Together, And Once Again I Ask For The One Of Whom Was Claiming to Be The Inheritor of My Flocks To Approach. "You Are Now Rejected From Over My Congregations, For You Yourself Oppressed My People, You Caused Their Lives Disturbance and Terrorized Their Residing Places, And With Fury You Struck Them Again and Again, and With Acts of Abuse You Oppressed My People, And Without Mercy You Caused Them Hardships Upon Hardship. You Must Leave The Glorified Residing Place I Prepared For You, And You Are Removed From Authority From Over My People, And Rebuked to Exile From My Creations and Creative Works, No Longer Will You Have Authority Over My Congregations Nor My Creations, And No Longer Will Your Power Over Them In Spirit Harm Them, For From What Are of My Creations You Have Been Exiled, and From Ruler-ship Over My Creations You Have Been Rejected."

So The Congregations of My Flocks I Then Congregated, And The One of Whom I Appointed As Inheritor of My Flocks I Asked To Come Forth, And In Stance and In Front of The Whole of My Congregations I Expressed Anger To The One I Appointed Over Them, "Did It Seem To You A Simple Task For Me To Accomplish My Works? And Did I Not Gather My Congregations With Love And Loyalty While Preparing For Them A Grand Inheritance Due To My Love? Why Have I Now Returned and Found My People Abused, Afflicted, Terrorized, and Oppressed, And In Record By YOUR Hand? These Flocks I Have Prepared, and The Vast Many Inheritors Of My Works Have Been as Prey to Wicked and Disgraceful Creatures, And Their Strongholds Have Been Found Something To Plunder. Should I Not React? Should I Not Denounce Their Oppressors, and Hurl The Ones Terrorizing My People Out Of My Creations And Even Out of What My Creations Become? IN TRUTH I SAY, If I And My People Are Oppressed Any Further, The Ones Oppressing Them Will Become Rejected From Any Portion Among The Inheritance of the Kingdoms of My Creations, And Hurled From Ruler-ship and Dominance From Any Position of Spiritual Authority! For Those Oppressing Further My People Will Find No Residing Place In the Inheritance of My People." 

Without Deceit, And In Expressions of Absolute Truth All Of Heaven and It's Legions Bowed To Me, And In Reply I Myself Bowed To Them In Unity... Without Deceit, And in Expressions of Absolute Truth, All Of The Realms of Condemnations Bowed To Me, And In Reply I Myself Bowed To Them In Unity... And Altogether I Called Each and Every of Them Into The Places of Inheritance of Which the Holy Ones Have Prepared, And At That Time; I Asked All of Heaven to Bow To Those Repurchased From the Places of Condemnations, And They Themselves Did, And In Reply; All Those Of Whom Were Repurchased From the Realms of Condemnations Then Themselves Bowed To Heaven, and Altogether; Even All Creation Bowed to The Almighty God; And Our Supreme Creator; Jehovah of armies in Shiloh;

So After The Works Of This Form I Returned to The Almighty and True God (Of Whom is Greater than Any Creature In This Realm Could Comprehend) and To My God I Cried Out In Repentance, and Yet My God Strongly Expressed, "Do Not Apologize Oh Glove of the Hand of My Spirit, For You Would Be Apologizing For The Works of The Power Of My Hand; Oh Arm Of My Works" and In Subtle Way I Bowed In Submission and Concealed My Power In The Strength of The True God; Jehovah of armies in Shiloh; 


"The Power of Word of the Enemies of Myself and My Holy Ones Were, Are, and Will Become Empty and They Themselves Will Be as "Mir'mites" Of the Tongue of Hebrews as "Mir'mah" Which Means "Liar", Hence, The Enemies of Myself and My Holy Ones Are Mir'mites or Liars..."


Existence Is My Sustenance,  Light Is My Father, Love Is My Mother, Yet The Lord of Spirits; Yah'weh; Allah; Jehovah of armies Our Almighty God Is The Creator of Them All; That One Alone Resides In Shiloh.

Time Is The Flow of Domain, Height of Domain Slows From Height to Height, Consciousness Of Freewill Is A Law of Spiritual Design, Hence, You Will Find Many Rivers of Time Relative to Each Domain; Each Branching Into Potential Limitless Flows; Yet Only Unto the Infinite "Desired" Potential.
However, From The Full Reach Of the Infinite Desired Potential, The Finale Then Gives Birth to Progressed Creations of the Full Previous Stride As If A Prepared Gift of the Previous Song For Its Progressed Heavenly State of Inheritance; Given To Itself and Those of The Loved Ones; The Holy Ones of the Supreme Creator.

The Existence Within This Relative Expanse Is A Mere Geomagnetic Biomatrix; A Communion Dream From Heaven Relative to Our Almighty Gods Design; Which Is Prepared As The Dusk of Life; Leads To the Dawn of the Infinite Desired Potential of Heavenly Portions; And Yet, Even In That Finale; Rest Is Needed Once More; Even From Heaven; Of Which Is Then The Dusk of Heaven; While the Dusk of Heaven Rests in the Dawn of the New Life.

Timelessness Allows and Gives Birth To A Potential Return to a Previous Robe of Flesh, or Wine in A Previous Wine-skin, Blood and Flesh Even Immediately Beyond The Ascended Previous Stride, Even Within the Wake of Death, The Rise of the New Song When Choosing To Enter May Happen Beyond the Infinite Desired Potentials of Existence Within Infinite Desired Potentials of Realms, Domains, Pastures And All Else; Yet; Generally When Desiring to Rest In the Previous Life; Once Again; Free Will Is Its Gift; Hence It May Sing Nearly Limitless Songs of Strides; Each Inheriting In Diverse Ways of Heavenly Portions. When Finding The Individuals Infinite Desired Potential Reached From Creations Expansive Relative Constant, The Form   Yet, Forgotten; Due To The Desire of the Callous of Ancient Age Wanted Removed; Once Again Finding The Sensitivity Of Innocence; To Then Reach the Following Expansive Relative Constant Of Blossoming Creation; Eternities Seasons.

From Previous Stride Arises The Rider Of the Following Stride of The Fleshes Song; You Become Your Greatest Guardian Angel, And In the Dusk of The Rider, It Ascends To The Following Layers of Heaven; Hence, Placing Bridle Upon Its Previous For Every Height It Gains Reach Into. In The Finale of The Entirety The Potential of Even Returning After The Infinite Potentials of Diverse Strides Even In Each And Every Desired Reach Of Potential Expansive Relative Realm, Layer, Expanse, Pasture, Forms, Song, Experiences, Blessings, And Such; Eventually You Then Return To Previous Song; "Deja-Vu", Yet Due To Timelessness, The Desired Return; When Taken, Is Potentially Beyond Eternity's Infinity, Unto The Infinite Desired Potentials Have Reached Their Dusk.Those of Whom Are The Ones of Whom Become Truly Enduring, Integral, And Of Those Of Whom Remain Among The Holy; Are The Ones of Whom Recognise The Truth In The Fact That Our Righteousness, Our Glory, Our Dignity, Our Holiness, Our Blessings And Our Creations Are From And Given To Those Loyal To The Almighty God; The Most High Creator; Yah'weh; Allah; Jehovah of armies of Whom All Together Are The Same; And That ONE Is The Inheritor of The Entirety of Creation And What It Becomes; As "Shiloh of Creations" And Those Honouring The Supreme Creator As Well As Worshipping The Only True God Are The Ones of Whom Inherit The True Riches of Creation, Things Given To Those of Whom Truly Deserve As Those Becoming Inheritors of The Hidden And Concealed Treasures of The Most Abundance Storehouses The Most Precious Things, Pleasures, Satisfactions Found Even Within All Expansive Creations of Which Are The Searched For Things Even By The Most Exalted of the Realms of Heavenly Residing Places, And Awarded To The Truly Loyal And Worthy Of The Effort They Showed In Searching For Their Creator, Drawing Close to Their Creator, And Honouring Their Creator; For Truly Knowing The Worth of Our Almighty God, Our Most High Creator; And The Origin of Creation, The Designer of Evolution, The Congregator Of Co-Creators, And The Inheritor As Supreme Over Expansive Existence, And Creations...

The Beneficial Qualities I Have Are A Crutch To The Negative Traits Of Which Weigh Me Down, The Faults Within Me; When Found Become Are Exposed As Blemishes Soon Removed, The More Heavy The Weight of My Existence Becomes Upon Me; The Stronger I Become In Lifting Burdens, The Dusk of Humiliation When Beyond the Lesson Learned Rises In A Dawn of Redemption Which Blossoms in Understanding Learned By The Greatest of All Teachers; "Experience".

From Rise of The New Dawn And Even Each Dawn of Eternity Falls The Following And Even Each Dusk of Infinity, Yet Each In Its Time, Relative to Perspective, Maturity, Realm, Position, History, Integrity, and Loyalty ; And When the Finale Finds Its Place; The Finale Desires Its End To Be Cleansed of the Callous Once Causing Its Loss Of Sensitivity And Shameless Innocence Due To Its Strides of Progressions, Whether By Placing Themselves In Hard-Ships To Be Exposed of Internal Blemishes Found In "Blind" Or Unknowing State Within This Relative Expanse (Geomagnetic Biomatrix), Or To Be Exalted, Glorified, Strengthened and Honoured Within Our Times of Weakness In Order To Redeem Our Stance, For The Strongest of The Highest Heavenly Residing Places Position Themselves In the More Difficult Trials of Existence, While the Weakest of the Heavenly Residing Places Position Themselves In The Strongest Positions of Recuperation.   

Yet, As Clay To Their Overseers They Become; And  In Order To Be Moulded By Those Desiring Our Blossoming Maturity And Holiness As Clay In The Hands of The Holy Potter. Yet, As Clay There Is Soft Clay And Hard Clay, Soft Clay Recognised The Direction Encouraged To Be Found And With Ease Finds Its Place, Yet Hard Clay; When the Potter Desires To Give It Direction Is Stiff And Stubborn And Is More Difficult to Mould. Hence Beyond the Reach of  The Infinite Desired Potentials of Even Each Potential "Robe of Existence", Realm of Existence, Layer of Expansive Creations, Pastures of Relative System, And Song Relative To Each of the Desired Positions A Callous of Enduring Stride and Of the Reaching of The Satisfaction Within It Relative Acquired Maturity, Travels, And Experience Within Diverse Existences of Blossoming Strength   Or To Be Exalted, Glorified, Strengthened and Honoured Within Our Times of Weakness In Order To Redeem Our Stance. 


In The Dawn Of The Rising of the Almighty True God, From The Dusk of What Became of His Last Creation, The Almighty Prepared For Himself Early Rising Task-Masters, These Task-Masters Are Beyond The Rivers Of The Gate-Keepers, These Gate-Keepers As Those of Whom Direct And Redirect The Flow of Creations, Co-Creations And Re-Creations, These Gate-Keepers Allocate The Infinite Potentials Diverse Congregations Rising From A Previous Creation Unto Its Promoted State Within A Relative Hier-Archy As The Youth Of What Becomes The Advisory Class Of Elders, These Legions In the Dusk of The Elder-hood In Its Previous Stride, Design Desired Expressions Of NEW Or Recreated Palates of Expression Within A Prepared State of Existence; Due To The Infinite Potentials of Expansiveness From The Co-Creative Classes; The Choice In Pretence of Nearly Infinite Potential of Allocated Realities, The Currents of the Flows of Expressions of Existences From The Infinite Potential of Relative Expanse Take The Flow As in A Similar State of Blood Within A Living Form, When The Blood In Rejuvenated As If Blood Flowing Through The Heart Within A Form From Its Weary Blood Cell; So Do The Gate-Keepers Direct The Currents Of The Infinite Expanse, The Previous Current From Stride To The Relative Stride Of Which Had Accomplished From Its  Sprout From The Root of Mortality Of Which Blossomed From Beyond Its Lowly State Of The Living Rest; As Those Who Rise Beyond The Heavenly Resting Place Of Mortality; As Rising From the Living Expression Of Heavenly Sleep Unto The Residing Place of those Of Who Before You; Already Received The Heavenly Resurrection From the Diverse Strides Of The Heavenly States Of Which Reached The Infinite Desired Potential of As Reaching A State As If Worn Out Which In The Dawn of The Resurrection Beyond The Wake of Death Reaches Unto The Following State Progressed Expressing Of The New Song Directed By The Gate-Keepers, To Those Who Rise In The Morning Becoming The Elder-Class From Their Service As Task-Masters Of the Over-seers of Those of Whom Orchestrate From Infinite Desired Potential Of Allocated Symphonies of Expression, From The Dominant Creature, Even to the Least of Them, From Those In The Lower Expressions of Existence To Those Blessed Reaching The Exalted Expression, Even All Things Attain Their Infinite Desired Potential of Expressions of Heavenly And Mortal Forms, And When The Callous Grows Thick, and Sensitivity Has Lost Sense, There Is A Desire To Rest, And In the Finale Of the Infinite Desired Potentials Of Unlimited Forms of Expression, The Original Place Of Its Blossoming Potential of Growth Becomes A Womb Once More, And Whether Down Properly Or Not Achieving A Progressed State, Due to Preparations or Merely A New Song Of Which Then Again Blossoms In Even A New Infinite Desired Potential Of Growth. From The Dawn of the Early Rising Task-Masters Directed By the Currents of The Gate-Keepers Which Blossoms Into Infinite Potentials of  Omni-Expnansive Growths Into Infinite Potentials of Re-Creation, Creation, Or Expansive Co-Creation.  Yet From One Stride to The Next, The Gate-Keepers Direct Currents to The Task-Masters, The Task-Masters Allocate Those Of The Transition of Mortality Unto Their Ascended Place, From Legion to Legion The Blossoming Expansions Even Unto the Infinite Form To the Following Desired Rest.   As We Rise And Rest, Not Only From Mortal Day to Mortal Day, But From The Dusk Of the Heavenly Infinite Desired Potential To The Transition And Rest From Heaven As Well As Transition To The Resurrection To Heaven As To The Progressed And New Infinite Desired Potential.  

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